Only Love🤍

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Y/n is a Routledge so she lives at the chateau btw.

We sat around the fire making jokes and drinking beer all night. This was the first time since me and JJ's break up where I haven't felt like crap being around him. Everything was going back to normal, we were the Pogues again. There was no awkward glances or topics we had to avoid. It was just perfect.

"I'm grabbing another beer does anyone else want one?" I stand up from my chair and start walking over to the cooler. While I'm at it I may as well get some for everyone else. I see JJ about to ask for one. "Don't worry Jay I already know you want one." He always wants another beer it's no question. I laugh.

"You know me so well." He says sarcastically with a small chuckle. Sarah asks for a beer and I nod, opening the cooler and taking 3 out. I walk over to JJ with the beer in my hand "Thanks love." A shiver runs down my spine as he says that. God not now, we were doing so well. He looks just as shocked as I do, I don't think he meant to say that. "Sorry." He whispers only enough for me to hear him as I pass him the beer. I place a small smile on my face and mouth the words it's okay.

"Why did you guys break up in the first place. You were so cute." Sarah giggles, I'm not going to get mad or annoyed at her question. She is drunk she doesn't know what not to say. Kiara on the other hand, is not as drunk.

"Sarah, just leave it." She warns the blonde. Sarah gives her a weird look before turning back to me and JJ. I hand her the beer and go back to my chair beside John B and Pope.

"But you were perfect, there has to be a reason." She keeps pushing it. I let out a sigh as I open my beer. Well, it's not like I can avoid the question any longer.

"Sarah-" Kie warns her once again but I brush it off and give her the answer.

"Sometimes things aren't meant to be, we grew apart. There isn't really any other reason." I shrug, taking a sip of my beer. JJ glances at me like I am some heart broken fragile girl.

"It doesn't seem that way. There is still clearly some feelings there." She mumbles and I close my eyes in frustration. Why does it always come to this topic? Why can't we just forget it ever happened? I was finally feeling better about everything and now we have to do this again. It's bullshit.

"There isn't any feelings. Can we just drop it now?" I roll my eyes and glare at Sarah. I know she didn't do anything wrong but It's late and I'm getting tired and this is the last thing I want to talk about.

"How do you know that there isn't feelings left? What if JJ still has feelings, you can't speak for the both of you." John B dead pans. I furrow my eyebrows and turn my attention to him.

"Are you implying that you know something?" I raise my eyebrows in question.

"I'm just saying. have you even talked to JJ about it? What if he still likes you." He shrugs. God they are all drunk. I look over at JJ, everyone's talking about him like he isn't there and it's pissing me off.

"John B I think you should leave it alone, She obviously isn't comfortable talking about this." Pope adds, looking at me with sympathy. Pope always understands me, it's honestly a blessing. Whenever I don't know what to say he always finds the words to fill in for me.

"It's getting pretty late, I think I'm just gonna go to bed. Night guys." I take my beer with me and walk back to the chateau. There's no way any of them are able to drive home so I guess they are sleeping here tonight. I'll set up some places for them to sleep, maybe it'll take my mind off everything.

The couch is big enough for 2, so I'm guessing JJ and Pope can sleep there. Sarah and Kiara can sleep on the other couch. I'll sleep in my room and John B will take his bedroom. So all I need now is to get some extra blankets and pillows.

I know there's some in the spare bedroom dressers. The door of the chateau opens as I begin walking to the bedroom. I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear anyone come inside so I can avoid a conversation.

My plan fails miserably when the bedroom door opens revealing JJ standing against the door frame.

"What's up." I question. Please don't say anything about the previous conversation.

"You okay? You seem off." He states. He always knows when I'm not myself and it bugs the crap out of me. I give him a smile, even if it isn't a genuine smile, it's enough. "That was a sad smile."

"I'll take that as an insult." I joke, pulling out 4 blankets and walking past him, back into the living room. I set the blankets down on the couches before turning back to give him a curios look. "Did you need something?"

He shrugs. "No, I just wanted to talk. Cause you know we haven't actually been able to do that in a while." That's true but there is a very good reason. I turn back to the blankets and start unfolding them onto the couch. "Please, just stop for a second and listen." He speaks a little louder and clearly frustrated. I sigh and stop unfolding the blankets. When I turn back to him I can see hurt in his eyes. "John B and Sarah were right you know. I do still have feelings. And I know deep down you do too."

I look back and forth between both of his gorgeous eyes. I want to tell him how I feel. I want to go back to the way it was and feel safe in his arms again. But I just can't get hurt again. Not like what happened last time.


"No, just listen. Y/n I know you. You'll say what we had wasn't meant to be, or that not everything has a happy ending. But you don't know that for sure because you won't even give it a chance." He takes a step closer to me.

"I did give it a chance JJ and look where it got us.  We were fighting everyday, my eyes were always stinging from crying, I was always tired because I could never go to sleep. We didn't work. It was a toxic relationship and we know that, so I can't go back to that, JJ I just can't." I can feel my eyes tearing up but I won't let the tears fall, I can't cry in front of him, not tonight.

"Y/n we were in love, those feelings don't just go away. Sure we may have gone through a rough patch. But can you blame us, with everything else going on we didn't exactly have time to focus on the relationship. Everything was about the Gold, but that's all over now. We have time, we can be better I promise." He takes another step closer and links his hands with mine. Fucking hell, I said I wasn't going to cry but now there's a tear rolling down my cheek. "Y/n you were my home. Don't do this again. Don't leave." He begs.

"I can't promise it will work, but I'm willing to give it a try." I whisper looking up at him with tears in both of our eyes. I see a small smile form on his lips as he pulls him in for a hug.

"Thank you." He mumbles into my hair as his hands wrap around my waist, his hands resting on my bare skin due to the fact I am only wearing a bikini top. He smells of his cologne that I grew to be in love with and his hug feels just as good as the last ones, if not better. I melt I to his touch and snake my arms around the back of his neck as my head leans against his chest. I needed this, I needed this so fucking bad.

"Can I go to bed now, I wasn't lying when I said I was tired." I pull away from the hug and smile. He brings his hand up to my cheek and wipes away my tears.

"Only if I can come with you." He smirks and I nod. I wanted him to come with me anyway. He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips. One I have been craving since the last moment we shared as a couple. This one felt more meaningful though. He was more gentle as if I would break if he deepened the kiss anymore. I smile against his lips before pulling away.


I wake up in his arms and the sun beaming through the window. Everything is finally perfect. His hair is a mess and his bare chest is exposed giving me something to be incredibly great full for. God I missed seeing him like this, he looks so peaceful when he sleeps.

"Staring is rude you know." He mumbles in his morning voice with his eyes still closed.

"As if you care." I smirk.

"You're right." He smiles and pulls me in tighter as if he is scared to let go. "I missed waking up like this." His thumb traces circles on my waist and I close my eyes from the relaxing feeling.

"Me too."

It is 6:18 in the morning and I have not gone to sleep yet so I'm sorry if this is sloppy, I can barely keep my eyes open Ahaha

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