Blinded Soulmates🤍

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Pope, John B, kiara, and Sarah sat around the fire while Y/n and JJ laid in the hammock creating sounds of laughter to fill the silence. The Pogues had no clue what the two were giggling about, but they figured it was probably something stupid, like Y/n making fun of the way JJ mixed up Spanish and French.

Y/n yelped and burst out Into breath taking laughter as she watched JJ tip out of the Hammock and fall flat on his face. John B looked up from the fire, suddenly distracted by the two idiots laughing their heads off.

"You know, I never understood why Y/n and JJ haven't dated yet. They are literal clones of each other." John B spoke quietly so only those who were sitting around the fire could hear. Pope chuckled and looked back at the two who were now trying to push each other out of the hammock.

"She's scared. Quite frankly I think he's just the same. They don't want to ruin their friendship, sure they'd be perfect for each other because they are the same but that's just the thing.. They both like being free, knowing that they could do what ever they want without asking for approval or living with the fear of hurting the other." Pope was always the smartest, so it's no surprise he knew the answer to John B's question. He looked back at the idiots, y/n was balancing with her two feet standing on the edge of the hammock while JJ was swinging it.

"At least I think that's why. If it's not then it's because they are both running on their last two brain cells and can't notice that they are in love with each other." The group giggled and continued watching them. Y/n was now flat on the ground after falling off the hammock, with JJ patting her face to make sure she is alive.

"How much weed have they had??" Kiara questioned trying to hold in her laughter. Unfortunately she said it to loud and the morons heard.

"Hey not that much, only like 3 joints." Y/n yelled to the crew, and JJ looked at her with a face that said 'liar' so y/n whispered for only him to hear, "each."

The two giggled once more before getting off the ground and walking over to the fire where the Pogues are. Unaware of the previous conversation that was happening before they got there, JJ sat on one of the chairs with Y/n's legs stretched across his lap while she threw crackers aimed for his mouth.

"Ya know you two would make a perfect couple." Sarah blurted out, the alcohol making her forget the difference between inside thoughts and outside thoughts.

"Sarah!" John B's eyes widened in shock not knowing his girlfriend was going to say that. Y/n and JJ stopped what they were doing and stared blankly at the rest of the Pogues.

"Sorry, couldn't quite hear you ..huh??" Y/n heard Sarah correctly she just didn't want to hear it correctly. JJ started giggling and stuffing his face with crackers, knowing that what ever would come out of his mouth next would be the most inappropriate thing he could think of.

"JJ? Are you not gonna say anything about this???" Y/n questioned, wondering what in gods name her friends were thinking. JJ looked up at her and smiled, his cheeks filled with crackers, but he managed to mumble.

"If I swallow these crackers, I'm going to say something I regret." The muffled words were hard to make out but she understood what he was trying to say so she handed him the bag and told him to keep eating the crackers so he wouldn't speak.

"Well since we are just throwing it out there. Sarah is right, ya'll would be perfect." Kiara added to the conversation. Y/n rolled her eyes, not wanting this conversation to ever have existed.

"It's getting kinda late I think I'm gonna head to bed if that's okay. See ya'll In the morning love you!" She made an excuse to leave so she wouldn't have to hear anymore about her and JJ.

"So JJ, what were you talking about when you said, you'd say something you'd regret?" John B asked the Blonde who stared blankly with crackers bulging from his mouth.

"Y/n's right it's getting pretty late..." as he spoke crumbs dropped out of his mouth and his words were muffled, "bed time for JJ." He spoke about him self in third person before walking as fast as he could into the chateau to spit the crackers out into the garbage.

"You could have just swallowed them you didn't have to spit them out." Y/n was sitting on the kitchen counter with a glass of water in her hand. JJ looked up surprised since he had no clue the girl was there.

"They are making my mouth too dry, can I have your water?" He explained reaching his hand out for her water which she handed off to him without hesitating. "I thought you went to bed?" He questioned her after taking a sip of the water.

"No, I'm not even tired I just didn't want to be apart of that conversation anymore. It was getting awkward." She explained looking at the ground. She didn't want to admit she liked JJ so she said that instead.

He stared at her, admiring every single one of her features until she turned to look at him and he didn't want to be caught staring so he looked away and took another sip of water.

"What about you, what's your reason for leaving the idiots out there?" She questioned. The weed in his system caused him to speak without thinking.

"If I stayed out there any longer I would have admitted that I'm in love with you and John B would never let me hear the end of it." She giggled, not realizing he just told Y/n he was in love with her.

She stared at him blankly not knowing what to say. His eyes bulged out and he froze. "Did I just... say what I think I said?" He questioned staring at the wall with an embarrassed face.

"I'minlovewithyoutoo" Y/n spoke so fast it sounded like a different language. JJ tilted his head and said 'huh' she sighed and closed her eyes for 2 seconds. "I said, I'm in love with you too. Moron." Even though she was admitting her feelings, she still had to be the same old sarcastic Y/n.

It didn't take any more that 3 seconds for JJ to walk toward the edge of the counter where Y/n was sitting, and press his lips to hers. His hands were on the sides of her thighs and hers snaked their way around his neck to comb through his hair.

When they pulled apart JJ looked almost scared. "This won't ruin our friendship or anything right? Like if we get together and it ends badly it could mess up our friend ship." JJ overthinks everything so Y/n kissed him again to shut him up.

"It won't, and besides even if it does. Giving a fuck doesn't really go with my outfit." The two morons giggled in the kitchen and spent the rest of the night cuddled in bed talking about things that didn't make sense.

I'm too tired to re read this and check for mistakes. So this story is probably all over the place but that's fine.

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