Want me to Kick his ass? 🤍

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I know I haven't posted In a while, recently went through some shit with my family but I'm trying to make myself write again. Also My phone is fucked like theres black holes all over my screen from damaged pixels. And theres a shit ton of coloured lines so If theres a lot of spelling errors it's because I can't see the fucking screen. Sorry that was aggressive I'm just pissed about my phone. Anyways guess I'll go make up a story ab JJ brb.
"It's your fault y/n, She's gone because of you! Get out of my sight before I throw something at you." My drunken father screamed at me from across the living room.

My mother died from an Overdose 7 years ago, my father got into a drinking habit. Usually he just passes out on the couch, sometimes hits me once or twice. But recently it has been getting worse. He's been acting like she died just yesterday and that I was the one who killed her.

Usually my eyes would be filled with tears and I'd be hurt by his words but it was different this time. Instead of crying I burst out laughing.

"You think that was my fault? Jesus christ Dad! You killed her, not me! You and your stupid pills that you buy from Barry, you were the one who gave them to her. She died from taking too many pills! And judging by how your acting, your falling right in her footsteps!" I finally snapped, I don't even care what punishment I get for saying that. I needed to get it off my chest and boy did it feel good.

The look on his face screamed disbelief and anger. I rolled my eyes and began walking way until the drunk started speaking once more.

"I did nothing but love your mother! How dare you speak to me like that after everything I have done for you! Ungrateful brat!" He spat bitter lies through his teeth. He didn't love my mother, or me, He abused and used us for his own benefit.

I let out a sarcastic chuckle in disbelief.
"Keep telling yourself that, maybe you'll drink yourself into believing it. All I ever got from you and mom was Abuse and a drinking problem. So don't think for a second that I am ungrateful because you gave me nothing to be grateful for!" I may call them my mom and dad but they are far from that. I got my looks from them but everything else I built on my own.

I stormed out of the house and got in my truck, that's when the tears came. I let out a whine full of hurt, which soon turned into anger that lead to me punching, whacking, and slapping my steering wheel. After I calmed down a leaned back in my seat with my head tilted upward. I wiped the remaining tears and decided to drive to the chateau.

No one should be there considering they are all at work. I opened the door to the empty house and immediately collapse on the couch. I was so tired from all the fighting I did with my dad and my eyes burned from crying. So I did one of the only things that could help me. Falling asleep on the couch.

"Y/n? Wake up." I felt someone shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up. I flutter my eyes open to meet eye contact with the most gorgeous blue eyes in the world that belong to none other than my pretty boyfriend JJ.

"Mornin' sunshine," He greets me sarcastically. I give him a smile and sit up on the couch. "Whatcha doing here?" He continues.

"Sleeping, that was until you woke me up." I joke, wiping my sleepy eyes. I hear JJs giggling immediately stop and I focus on his face In which it looks confused.

"What the hell happened to your hands?!?" He questions grabbing hold of my bruised and cut up knuckles. I roll my eyes as I think back to the truck when I was punching my steering wheel.

I pull my hands away to stand up then bend down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." I say walking toward the kitchen, Avoiding the question, not wanting to tell him about what happened with my dad. Knowing how over protective JJ is, he'd probably march over there and kill my dad for the things he said.

He stood up of the couch right after me and followed me to the kitchen.

"Y/n that's not nothing, how did this happen just tell me?" He continued pushing me. I let out a sigh and held my head in my hands with my elbows sitting on the countertop. He put his hand on my back and I pulled my head away from my hands to look at him.

He's the one person who can tell when I'm lying so theres no way of getting out of this one.

"Me and my dad got in an argument, I got angry and punched the shit out of my steering wheel. Like I said, It's nothing." I explained to him. JJ knew that things at home with me were tough, so he didn't bother asking more about it.

Instead he just pulled me into a warm hug that instantly made me feel a million times better. I loved that JJ had that effect on me where he could flip my mood by a simple gesture.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and sunk into the hug.

"I'm sorry love, you don't deserve to be treated like that. What can I do to make you feel better. Want me to kick his ass? Cause I'll do it." JJ mumbled into the top of my head.

"No," I giggled at his last few words, "just hold me." I replied. He kissed the top of my head and I nudged my head against his chest.

"Come on Bubs, lets go cuddle." JJ smiled as he pulled me back over to the couch to smother me with cuddles.

What did I ever do to deserve this boy, he's more than perfect. He has no clue just how much I love him and I wish I could find the words to tell him but no sentence would ever describe what I feel for him.

It's almost as if my entire world is crumbling and shattering to pieces, but JJ is there, holding a roll of duck-tape to fix me. I couldn't do life without him.

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