Hidden by toxic fumes🤍

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Okay so I realized something, I have the best writing ideas when I'm high. Like usually I can't think of anything but when I'm high there are ideas floating out of me. So like I wasn't posting for 4 months but I've been high for the past 3 days and i don't even know how many stories I have posted and how many are in my drafts. I even have 3 pages of a book about Outer banks written In drafts that I am gonna post on my account soon.

(Carter is Y/n's Toxic boyfriend)
Trigger warning ⚠️ emotional abuse

Carter and y/n sat at the back of the boat cuddling while JJ, Kiara, and Pope talked to John B, who was driving.

Y/n was so tired from all the late nights and was about to fall asleep in Carter's arms until he spoke and pulled her out of her daze. "Hey you wanna stay at my place again tonight?" He asked, kissing the top of her head.

JJ and Pope looked at each other with an annoyed expression as they eavesdropped on the couples conversation.

"Actually I was thinking of just staying at the chateau , I'm really tired." Y/n knew where this conversation would end so she didn't bother stressing it any more than she had already done. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Just take a nap and you'll be fine. You slept at the chateau twice last week why can't you spend more time with me?" He questioned, y/n just stayed quiet thinking of how rude she was being, 'he's right I need to prioritize my relationship first.' She thought.

"You're right I'm sorry. I'm just gonna lay here and fall asleep till we get back, is that okay?" The girl asked. Carter rolled his eyes once more before nodding, giving permission for her to sleep.

Pope shook his head in disappointment that y/n didn't even try putting up a fight. JJ looked sad and even a little angry, all the Pogues knew that Carter wasn't good for y/n but she refused to listen to them.

Y/n is constantly ranting to JJ about how he pushes her into doing things she doesn't want to do, or forces her to stay away from the Pogues. She says he does it because he loves her. But JJ knows he is just using her for her body and controlling her to fit his standards.

Carter stared at Kiara in her bathing suit as she stood at the front of the boat talking to John B. JJ caught him looking but didn't say anything, he didn't want to start an argument cause he knew Carter would take his anger out on Y/n again. So instead he walked over to Kiara and asked her if she wanted to borrow his hoodie cause it's cold. She took it and put it on happily.

JJ walked back over to Pope and glared at Carter.
"I don't understand why she is still with him. Like look at this, she is falling asleep in his arms and he can't keep his eyes off Kiara's ass. He's a dick head and I don't know what she sees in him." He explained quietly so only Pope would hear. The brunette nodded and agreed.

When the boat returned to the chateau, Y/n was already asleep and everyone was getting off. "Y/n come on wake up." Carter shook his girlfriend awake harshly, earning another glare from JJ.

"Whatever, sleep on the boat for all I care. I'm leaving you here." He pushed his girlfriend off his chest and hopped out of the boat looking back at JJ and Pope. "When she wakes up, tell her I'm over her."

When Y/n woke up, Carter was walking away and it was just her, JJ, and Pope on the boat. She looked at her boyfriend who was getting into his car and driving off, she didn't know if she wanted to smile in relief that he was gone or cry.

JJ looked at her and then at the floor he felt sorry for her, she didn't even know what Carter was doing to her and it killed him. The blonde could see the tears forming in Y/n's eyes so he walked over to her and sat down beside her, she immediately broke down into tears and cuddled into his side.

"I got this Pope you can go inside, we'll be in, in a minute." The blonde spoke softly, Pope nodded and walked toward the chateau.

"I can't do this anymore Jay I am so fucking tired." She sobbed into the boys chest, letting all of her thoughts out on the blonde she trusted most. His heart shattered with every word she spoke, all the new information he hadn't heard before about their toxic relationship.

"I know, I know," he muttered into the top of her head, his voice was low and quiet from the amount of tears he was holding back. The girl poured her heart out, and the boy listened, that was all she needed, was someone to listen to her.

"I'm sorry I'm dumping all of this on you, you shouldn't have to listen to this. I'm okay you can go inside now I just want to stay out here and clear my head." Lying through her teeth, Y/n wasn't fine, and it was obvious. JJ let a tear escape his eye.

"You're not okay love. You don't have to pretend with me." JJ spoke lightly, knowing if he spoke any louder he would cry more than he ever has in his life.

Y/n found comfort in JJ's quiet voice, being around yelling and screaming for the past few weeks with Carter, this was the first normal conversation she has had.

"I thought he loved me." She whispered, and just like that JJ's heart dropped to his stomach and more tears fell. He hated that she thought what Carter did to her was love, he hated that he let it happen, and he hated that he couldn't show her what love is really like.

"That wasn't love, princess." JJ always called her by names like princess and Love. Because even though he wasn't with her, he wanted to treat her how he thought she should be treated. Like a queen.

"Then I don't think I know what love is, I don't even think I believe in love." Their crying had settled down, and it was now a whispered conversation. JJ wanted to tell her how much he loved her, and he wanted to show her how she deserves to be loved. But he knew she would never chose him, no matter how good he treated her, he was her best friend and nothing more.

She left his side and pulled her knees up to her chest to rest her head on her arms. JJ watched her with admiration. When they made eye contact it was like a traffic light turned green in their minds.

Y/n leaned over to JJ and he pulled her onto his lap, her hands snaked around his neck and before they knew it, they were kissing. All of JJ's thoughts about not being good enough we're wrong, and all Y/n's thoughts about not knowing how to recognize love were wrong. Because she loved JJ, and JJ loved her, she was just to blinded by Carter's Toxic fumes that she didn't notice.

When they pulled away, JJ's hands were on the edges of her thighs, and Y/n's hands were still around the back of his head.

"I'll treat you better than him I promise." He whispered, she closed her eyes and pressed her forehead to his.

"I know you will, I always knew."

Ugh this is terrible, and I am so fucking tired somebody sedate me. Lmao can y'all leave suggestions about what the next chapter should be cause I'm empty for ideas.

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