Last night🤍

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Part 2

I wake up and everything hurts. I don't remember a thing from last night. I really hope I didn't do anything too bad. But judging by the aches in certain places, I did the exact thing I was hoping I didn't. I slept with a guy. At least I'm at the chateau now, which means I didn't go home with a guy. I go to stand up but something is weighing me down. What the hell?

I lift up the covers to see an arm draped over my stomach. Shit shit shit! I brought a guy home are you kidding! John B is going to kill me. Wait a sec. that's the bracelet I gave JJ. Why is this dude wearing JJ's bracelets.

Holy fuck.

That guy IS JJ.

I physically face palm myself. This is not good, not good at all. How drunk were we? I remember dancing with him, and I sorta remember leaving, but everything after that is a blur. Shit what have at done.

"Stop moving." JJ mumbles into the pillow. Oh fuck he is going to be pissed. Am I even wearing clothes? Great, I'm wearing JJ's shirt and a pair of underwear. That's it. You have got to be kidding right now. This is not happening.

"Jay." I stare at the ceiling. He hums in response. "JJ we fucked up." He groans and rolls over onto his back.

"Why are you talking so loud- wait, why am I in your bed?" I roll my eyes at how clueless this boy is. "Ohhh shit." Finally, now he gets it. It only took a couple years. "Did we- y'know.."

"I think so. I can't remember." This is a disaster. But I don't have to remember it to know it happened. Cause I can still fucking feel it.

"Well, If we did anything, believe me you'd know." Trust me JJ I fucking believe you, because my pelvis feels like it was ripped apart. I doubt I can even walk. And I may sound like I'm exaggerating but I am not.

"JJ, I fucking know." I'm trying so hard not to sound mad, because I'm not mad at him, I'm mad at myself. I'm mad at the world. But It sounds like I'm mad at him. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like I'm angry at you. But last night, it was.."

a mistake.
I can't say it.
Because I don't mean it.

"Listen, we don't have to talk about it. Let's just forget it ever happened okay?" He smiles and pushes my hair behind my ear. God I wish he didn't do that. He looked so hot when he did that.  He's not even wearing a shirt. Is he wearing pants? I can't think of him like that. Stop it Y/n!

"Okay. Deal. We'll just forget about it. No problem." Big problem actually. I don't want to forget it. He stares into my eyes and I wonder if he's thinking the same thing. My question is soon answered by him pulling me on top of him and smashing our lips together. There is no way I'm forgetting shit.

Our lips move in sync and his hands grip my thighs. My hands rest on each side of his head as we continue to deepen the kiss. Pretty soon we are making out and our breathing is getting heavier. His hands slide up my thighs and he grinds my hips against his, making me let out a quiet moan.

In one quick motion he flips us over so he is on top, keeping my legs on either side of him. I move my hands up to his hair as we continue making out. He takes my hands and holds them above my head.

"You sure you want to do this?" He pulls away from the kiss and stares at me, his eyes full with the need for me. I nod, to flustered to speak. He takes off my shirt effortlessly and throws it to the floor.

•••robbed•••sorry guys!

I lay with my head on JJ's bare chest, playing with his rings. All the things that happened in this room were so worth it. He lets out a sigh and I look up at him.

"You okay?" I question. He nods and smiles at me kissing my forehead for reassurance. But I know somethings up. Does he regret it?

"If we are gonna do this I want to know if your all in." What does he mean all in. Of course I'm all in, does he not remember the events that literally just took place a few minutes ago?

"What do you mean?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Like, if you are going to be with other guys. I want you y/n, not to share, I want you for me and only me." I feel like I'm floating, he is so cute. Of course he has me, I don't want any other guys, I want him.

"Jay I'm all yours." I give him a small kiss before smiling at him. "Can we get food? I'm hungry."

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