Pinkies don't swear part 2🤍

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Me and JJ have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We have always promised each other we would never mess it up, never catch feelings. It would ruin the entire friend ship. It would be awkward all of the time, we wouldn't know how to act, but if we dated... There's no way we would even stand a chance staying together. We would end up having to break up and then, our friend ship would be destroyed.

"Um, I'm gonna.. I'm gonna go." I awkwardly said putting my shirt back on along with my pants. JJ ran his fingers through his hair thinking about how bad we messed up.

I left the room and walked toward the door of the chateau.

"Y/n where you going? We are going on the boat today." John B questioned from the front porch of his Chateau.

I turned around to face him and he noticed the tears filling my eyes but not one daring to drop.

"Woah are you okay what happened?" I knew If I explained to him what happened I would break down in tears so I just said I had to go and then walked out to my car.

"Shit shit shit!" I yelled at myself Inside my car while banging on the steering wheel.

I haven't spoke to JJ In almost 2 weeks since it happened. It was killing me not knowing if he was okay but I couldn't bare to face him, there's no way I would be able to act like nothing happened and go back to being Best friends. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn't.

I've had a million missed calls and texts from Kiara, Pope, John B, and Sarah but I haven't even read them.

I needed to be by myself to figure out what the hell Im supposed to do.

Laying In bed staring at a wall is getting boring but it's better than the alternative. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard tapping at my bedroom window. At first I thought It was just the rain being loud but then I realized there were rocks hitting the glass.

I don't know who I expected it to be but I definitely didn't expect it to be JJ. But of course I look down to see none other than JJ Maybank standing on my front lawn throwing rocks at my window.

As much as I didn't want to talk to him about this, I couldn't leave him out in the rain. So I walked down stairs and outside.

"What are you doing here JJ?" I asked the blonde who was drenched in rain water.

"We can't ignore each other anymore It's killing me. I don't expect you just to forget about everything but I needed to know if you were okay." He explained talking loudly over the sound of the rain. I shook my head in response.

"Are you?" I asked, referring to the question on if he was okay or not. His response was the same as mine. I walked over to him and hugged him, I hated seeing him upset.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly and close as if I were about to slip away. I had my arms wrapped around his neck as he buried his face in my shoulder.

We stayed there for a moment just glad to be with each other again before pulling away. His eyes were teary as were mine.

"I can't lose you y/n, but I can't just be friends and act like nothing happened either." JJ said letting the tears escape from his eyes. The tears blended in with the rain on his skin.

"I can't either." I moved my hands to cup his jawline then stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. The kiss was a lot different this time, It felt more meaningful.

I pulled away looking down at the ground but he lifted my head up to meet his eyes.

"What are we doing out here in the rain?" I giggled breaking the silence between us.

"I have no Idea" he laughed "want to go back inside?" He asked me. I looked around and then back at him.

"Not really..." I said before running off into the rain and spinning around to face JJ. He followed right after me and lifted me up so my face could be level with his. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me up by my thighs.

I've always wanted to kiss in the rain like this. It felt more like the perfect love in a perfect book. It was amazing.
The first date

"Y/n? Promise me we will be together forever." JJ and I sat at the beach with 'big gulp slurpees' in our hands, that we stole from a corner store, and a bag of candy sitting in between us.

"I promise JJ." I replied. He held out his middle finger and locked it with mine. Just like we did when we were kids.

He leaned in and kissed me as I kissed back moving perfectly in sync with his lips.

"Forever it is Maybank."

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