Champagne Toast🤍

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I walked down the street, passing a bath and body works shop, immediately I catch a familiar scent. Y/n's body lotion, this must be where she buys it. I stop walking and glance into the store, I know how much Y/n loves that body lotion and that she is almost out of it, I should pick her up a new one.

Walking into the store I was drowning in different smells, all of them being extremely good. But there was only one that I loved the most, I believe it's called "Champagne Toast" and it's the one Y/n has been using for as long as I can remember.

I look along the shelves for the familiar bottle. It's pink with a gold lid, I have seen it so many times that I could probably list the ingredients on the back label if I thought hard enough.

There it is! I reach my arm up to the top shelf and take the bottle down.

Once I finish paying and walking out of the store, I open the bottle to smell it, I haven't seen Y/n since yesterday so smelling this was the closest thing I could get to her at the moment.

The scent was like walking into the memories in my brain I forgot I even had. All the little things with me and Y/n that make me smile like a fool.


I lay in bed listening to her breathing. I loved being awake before her, I loved watching her move around in her sleep, listening to her when she mumbles things that don't make sense, catching the lingering smell of her body lotion that I was obsessed with, and just holding her knowing that she feels safe in my arms. I love everything little thing about her.

He head lay on my chests with her arm draped across to my shoulder, every once in a while her head would nudge further into the crook of my neck as if she was asking me to hold her closer.

"JJ." She whispered, I wasn't sure if she was awake, this could be her just sleep talking again.

"Are you awake?" I questioned trying to see if her eyes were open, they were closed but I still couldn't tell if she was sleeping.

"I love you." She mumbled. She was still sleeping. I smiled, knowing she's dreaming about me with a smile on her own face.

"I love you too angel." I whispered, kissing her on the head.


I swore to my self that I wouldn't let her drink this much. But here she was stumbling over her feet and falling over her words after we left the party. I was practically face palming myself as I helped her into the chateau.

"JJ, when are we.... When do we go back t-to the party?" She stuttered and mumbled her words, her eyes looked heavy and It was clear that she was as drunk as she had ever been.

I used my hands on her hips to guide her to the spare bedroom in the chateau, letting her crawl into the bed as I pulled the sheets up to her shoulders.

"Princess, you're not going back to the party it's time for bed." I pushed her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear, she looked beautiful right now, of course she always looked beautiful, but right now she was a messy kind of beautiful.

"JJ. Did you ever.... Do you.. have you evver been in love?" She had been asking me silly questioned all night, most of them I couldn't understand stand because they were just random words she put into a sentence like: "when the park goes and you get on the bus do you think you are walking?"

I smiled at the previous question. We haven't used 'I love you yet' even though I knew I loved her, I still hadn't said it.

"Maybe one or twice." I responded as I watched her close her eyes.

"Who was she?" She questioned me. If I confessed that I loved her right now, she wouldn't remember it in the morning and it wouldn't be as special.

"She has y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. She tells the best jokes I have ever heard. When I hear her laugh it makes me smile, When I hear her voice I get butterflies, when her name is mentioned my face goes red. I am so completely in love with her that it makes me want to scream. And I would do anything for her." I smiled, proud that I had confessed it, but my smile faded realizing she won't remember it. When I turned back to look at her she was fast asleep. A small chuckle escaped my lips.

"I love you y/n." I kissed her forehead, getting the scent of her favourite body lotion, before walking out of the room to lock up the house before bed.

I was going to write a ton of memories but I kinda got bored so I guess y'all can think up ones of your own. Love you!!

(I wrote this 2 days ago and just realized I never published it I am so sorry haha 😂)

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