Still mine🤍

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"I'm fine John B, me and Y/n are over. It doesn't matter anymore." I rolled my eyes at him, he wouldn't shut up about me and y/n's break up. John B rarely gets on my nerves, but right now he was pissing me the fuck off.

"Okay, we'll if it doesn't matter. Then why do you seem so upset?" It was almost like he was trying to get me to admit I cared about her still. But I didn't, and I won't. He leaned back in his chair and I let out a sigh, trying to tell him that I was getting fed up with his questions. "You gonna answer me orr?" A smile took over his face showing he thought he was right, but I'm going to prove him wrong.

"I'm not upset, I honestly couldn't give a crap about her anymore. I don't care what she does, who she's with, where she goes. I'm done with her." I snapped, thinking about all of this was making me angry.

"Okay, we'll if you really don't care that much. Than I say this with full confidence that it won't bother you." I furrowed my eyebrows, this boy better watch what comes out of his mouth because I was not in a good mood. "Y/n and me have been talking. She's coming over later and I'm bringing her on a date. I was worried to tell you in case you would hate me, but clearly you don't care so." He shrugged.

My blood boiled and I felt like I was going to explode. I stood up and walked over to him grabbing him by the shirt. "You go near my girl and I won't hesitate to rip your arm of and beat you with it. Got that?" I spoke angrily through gritted teeth holding him by the collar of his shirt while twisting his wrist.

"See, you do care. I knew it." I let go of his shirt, realizing I had just been played. He did that on purpose.

"Fuck you John B. That wasn't funny." He was holding his wrist in pain but had a huge smile on his face due to the fact he was right.

"Woah, what happened to you?" The voice of an angel spoke from behind me. Y/n. I spun my head around to see her confused eyes pointed at John B.

"Your Boyfriend got jealous." He laughed, I shot him a glare and mouthed 'I will kill you.' To him making him aware that if he said another word he wouldn't live long enough to regret it.

"He's not my boyfriend." I sat down in the chair and crossed my arms, just staring at her. She looked like she had been crying, her eyes were puffy and she wasn't wearing mascara like she usually did. Yet even through her messy, she looked as beautiful as ever. "Stop looking at me like that." She furrowed her eyebrows at me. But I didn't stop. I'm gonna get my girl back no matter what it takes.

Super duper short one but I got bored

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now