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You guys are truly the best people ever and I love every one of you. I haven't opened Wattpad in a hot minute because of some issues with my mental health and family problems. But I just opened the app and saw the amount of notifications I have and all the comments and I kid you not I burst into tears. I do not deserve the amount of love and support you guys give me and you have no idea how much your comments mean to me they are my favourite part about posting when I read through them.  I just wanted to let you all know that I am beyond grateful for everyone here. Thank you again!!! Love you!!

Bro I am pissedddddd. I was going through my stories and I wanted to delete an authors note I made ab my tik Tok bc I deleted my tik Tok. But I accidentally deleted an imagine and I don't know which one it was and I literally want to cryyy ughh.

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