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(Btw, This chapter is a slow burn. Meaning JJ and Y/n aren't together at the beginning.)

John B and JJ were arguing because JJ can't figure out how to use the key on the motel. So much for being discrete, they are practically yelling at each other.

"Guys, this was supposed to be discrete. Quit acting like two year olds and open the damn door. You're gonna get us caught." I grabbed them both by their ears to make them listen. John B's face was scrunched from how hard I was holding his ear and JJ just kept repeating the word "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" I let go of their ears once they agreed to shut the hell up.

"God, JJ just put it in. It's not that hard." John B rolled his eyes.

"That's what she said." I mumbled under my breath with a smile trying to hold back a laugh. JJ and John B both turned to look at me with a look on their face that said "really?"

"What? You practically forced me to say it." Who wouldn't make a joke out of that, it was literally right there.

"Just, open the door JJ." He chuckled, and JJ finally figured out how to work a key. We opened the door, and walked inside.

The place looked boring. What were we even looking for? I let out a sigh and continued walking into the room.

"I'll check the bag, see if there's a name on there." John B leaned over to a duffel bag that was sat on the bed while I on the other hand, laid down beside it on the bed and watched the boys look through a random motel room that probably has nothing in it.

"They've got a jacket," JJ speaks enthusiastically.

"Great, they have a jacket. At least we know they keep themselves warm." I speak in a sarcastic voice causing JJ to glare at me.

"There's no name on the jacket." He stops glaring at me and continues looking at the jacket. "It's a nice jacket though." I roll my eyes and go back to focusing on John B.

"Dudes definitely over 50, he's got new balances." John B holds up a pair of shoes to show me. I'm pretty sure I've seen grandpas wear the same ones.

"Cool, cool. So we found my grandpas secret motel that he uses to hide his shoes." I smile sarcastically at John B and he just shakes his head. Then I notice JJ walking over to a table thingy with a map on it. So I roll over on the bed and lean my elbows down to hold myself up so I can see what he is looking at.

"Maybe, this is where they're fishing." He points at some coordinates on a sticky note. I shake my head in disagreement.

"No, that's off the continental shelf. That's big swell. Nobody fishes there." I love when I know more than JJ. Cause he is always babbling about something like boats and fishing or surfing but when I know something he doesn't, I feel like Einstein. "What's this one for?" I pick up another sticky note that has the numbers 61666 written down.

"What does it say." He continues looking at the map.

"Number stuff." John B perks his head up from the cabinet he is going through and walks over to me taking the sticky note. "Dude, I was reading that ya Jerk." I crawl off the bed and follow him to wherever he is going with my sticky note.

He leans down to the cabinet he was at before. there's a safe. He looks at the sticky note and then looks at me, basically telling me what he is thinking without saying any words.

"Try it." I shrug sitting down on the floor criss cross apple sauce.

JJ walks over after and shines his flashlight on a coffee maker.

"Coffee?" He speaks in a British accent.

"I much prefer tea." I reply in the same accent tilting my head backwards to look up at him. He ruffles my hair and I scrunch my face. He does that all the time and I hate it because it messes up the parting in my hair.

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