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"Welcome to your new home." Liam told his children as they entered the house.

They all looked around and found Detective Hayes grinning.

"HI, KIDS!" Detective Hayes exclaimed. "Grandpa!" Eloise yelled, running towards her Grandfather.

"Awe, I missed you guys too. It's been a long time since I last saw you. You've grown." Detective Hayes said, looking at his grandchildren in awe.

"Seb, help your sisters with their bags. There are spare rooms, you're free to pick which room you want." Liam said.

Eloise smiled letting go of her grandfather, running upstairs. She was followed by Ronnie and Seb.

"How was the trip?" Detective Hayes asked. "It was great." Liam answered. "I'm gonna leave you guys to talk, I'll go help the kids unpack." Liv said before leaving.


"Mom, can we repaint my room?" Ronnie asked her mom. "Why? Don't you like the color?" Liv asked, looking around the room.

"I like my room, it's big. But... It's, uh, too bright." Ronnie hesitantly admitted, motioning to the bright purple color of the bedroom. "I was thinking since we're moving here, I might as well redecorate the room to something I feel comfortable with." Ronnie explained.

"Ok, if that makes you happy, we'll do it." Liv said. "Great, can we start tomorrow?" Ronnie asked." Tomorrow already?" Liv asked.

"Yeah. Don't worry, I'll ask Seb and Grandpa for help while you guys are back in LA getting all of our stuff." Ronnie said.

"Wow, you got everything planned out." Liv said. "I planned it as soon as I saw this room." Ronnie said with a smile.

"Ok, I'm gonna leave you alone, I'll be in the other room with your sister." Liv said.


August 15

"Seabass, wake up!" Eloise barged into her brother's room the next morning with a smile. "What time is it?" Seb groaned as he stood up from the bed, rubbing his eyes.

"It's 10 in the morning. What time did you sleep?" Eloise asked. "It doesn't matter. What's with the hurry?" Seb asked.

"Mom and Dad are going back to LA." Eloise reminded him. Seb ruffled Eloise's hair as he passed by. Eloise followed her brother downstairs.

"Sebby, you're finally awake." Liam greeted as he and Liv were just about to leave. "I had a good sleep. The mattresses are actually comfortable." Seb chuckled.

"We'll be back next week, take care of your sisters for us." Liv said. "You can count on me." Seb reassured glancing at his two sisters standing behind him.

"Alright, have fun." Liam said. "Can we go out and take a walk around town?" Eloise asked." Only if Seb is with you." Liv said.

"Oh don't worry about that, everyone's coming with us." Eloise said. "Ok, seems like you got everything under control." Liv said.

" See you next week." Liam said, kissing his daughters' forehead, glancing at Seb with a smile." I'll miss you." Liv said, pulling her kids into a hug.

" You're gonna miss the plane if you don't go." Eloise spoke as Liv hasn't let go of her." You're right, Elise is gonna kill us when we go there late." Liv said letting go of Eloise.

"Bye." Ronnie waved at her parents as they drove away.

"So can we go to the Harpers house?" Ronnie asked. "I think you meant Roseville." Eloise said.

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