FC: 12

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" Hey." Nellie looked up from her seat as the Harpers walked in class.

" Hey-what are you doing?" Lia questioned as Lia noticed the messy handwriting of some of 'the bitches' names.

" Plotting death." Chase spoke, Nellie glanced at her laughing.

" Cool." Eloise spoke that made the two girls stop laughing.

Estelle and Lia turned to her with a confused look but shrugged it off.

"Am... I not supposed to- ignore what I said." Eloise blushed, walking to her seat while Estelle and Lia sat down as well.

" Hey." Tim greeted as he had just come into class, sitting down next to Estelle while waving a hi to Lia and Eloise.

" You're kinda late." Estelle joked.

" I'm not late, you're just early." Tim playfully rolled his eyes.

" Seriously though, you're always here earlier than us." Estelle said.

"I woke up a little late and had to feed my dog, which took a little longer than usual." Tim explained.

" Kylo?" Estelle asked. "Yeah, you remember." Tim smiled, amazed at how Estelle remembered. "Hey, I'm the forgetful one here." Eloise looked up at him.

" Are you kidding me? How could I forget about Kylo, he's adorable." Estelle said.

"Well, he's old now but still the same Kylo. Energetic as always." Tim chuckled, showing a picture of his dog then Anna came into class.

" Good morning, children." Anna greeted. "Good morning Ms. Anna!" The whole class hollered back.

" Everyone please go back to your seats. I will be checking our attendance before we start." Anna picked up her clipboard from the desk and started calling everyone's names.

" Estelle Anderson." Anna called. "Present." Estelle smiled as Anna smiled back.

" Where's Lottie?" Estelle asked Tim who shrugged. "I don't have a clue. She didn't tell me she would be absent today." Tim said looking at his phone under the table, no text from Lottie.

A minute later and Lottie's not in class." Charlotte Morgan?" Anna called, but no response." Lottie?" Anna called once again.

" Abs-"

"Here- Hi- Present!" Lottie exclaimed, panting as she entered the room. "Oh, ok. Lottie, take your seat." Anna said and Lottie nodded, sitting down next to Tim.

"What took you so long?" Tim asked." Are you ok?" Estelle asked.

"Try having your brother's motorbike break down on your way to school and him having no idea how to fix it." Lottie explained, crossing her arms, annoyed.

" Definitely not in a good mood." Estelle spoke, glancing at Tim before turning back to Anna.


Grant rushed inside the classroom, hoping he wouldn't get caught. "Grant. You're late." Alex called, making Grant turn to him with a sheepish smile.

" Sorry." He apologized. "Mind telling me what happened?" Alex asked." My motorcycle broke down, I didn't know how to fix it, I promise you it won't happen again." Grant explained.

Daffy chuckled, rolling her eyes at her best friend as he sat down next to her. "You've owned your motorcycle for a year and you still don't know how to fix it?" Daffy asked.

" I just called a repair shop, they took too long to come." Grant said." Or... you could've called me.. or Dad. Saved you lots of money." Daffy said.

" I.... did not realize that." Grant spoke, looking down. "And what about Lottie?" Daffy asked." She's pissed... she-.. she did tell me to call your dad but I said no." He explained, Daffy looking at him in disbelief.

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