FC: 7

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After class, Alex met up with his niece and nephews at the parking lot. "Eli, mind if you drive my car back to roseville?" Alex asked. "No, not at all." Eli said.

" Ok great. Here's the key, be safe driving." Alex said, handing Eli the key to his car. The rest were confused. "Hi guys!" Betty cheerfully greeted as she, Stephen, and Anna walked towards them.

"Hi Ms. Betty, Mr. Stephen, Ms. Anna." The group greeted." Betty give me your car key." Alex said. "What? No, I wanna drive." Betty refused.

"Isn't your eyesight 2/4?" Lena turned to the woman with a raised brow, getting smacked upside the head by her twin.

"Give me the key, now." Alex said. "Just give him the key." Stephen said. "Fine." Betty said, handing the key to Alex.

"Thank you." Alex said.

"Uncle Alex, where are you going?" Theo asked. "I'm driving them to their apartment." Alex answered.

"Why?" Lia asked, confused. "Betty can't drive for her life." Stephen explained. "Ok, bye I guess." Caspian said. "Bye kids." Anna said to them.

"Anna, take the front seat, I don't mind." Betty offered. "What? No, that's ok-"

"I insist. Stephen, come with me." Betty dragged Stephen to the back seat and locked the doors. "Children. Literal children." Alex sighed, glancing at Anna as he opened the door for her.

"Thank you." Anna smiled before glancing at the back seeing Stephen and Betty smirking before looking away.

"Stop smirking guys." Alex said, closing the door as he gets inside. "You look like idiots."

Stephen and Betty gasped while Alex and Anna just laughed.

"Are you staying?" Betty asked. "Nope." Alex answered. "Why not? I'll cook dinner." Betty offered.

"As much as I want to stay, I can't. Remember what happened to Phoebe?" Alex asked, glancing at the rear view mirror and saw Betty nodding.

"Well... I need to talk to her mom, because I know Avery will have a lot of questions about it." Alex said. "Who's Avery?" Anna asked.

Betty, Stephen, and Alex looked at her. "I forgot you're new. Avery is Alex's younger sister." Stephen said.

"Oh." Anna said." Did Principal Albi forget to tour you around?" Betty asked, confused. "Yeah, and I haven't seen most parts of the school." Anna answered.

"Remind me to tour you around tomorrow- oh no, Alex can show you around." Betty said, patting Alex's shoulders.

"Well, if you want to know about the school, Alex can show you around, specifically about the wall of fame." Stephen said.

"Isn't that right, Alex?" Stephen asked. "Yes, Yeah, I'll show you around." Alex said with a smile.

Stephen and Betty looked at each other before doing a fist bump.


"Natalie." Avery called." What?" Natalie asked entering the kitchen." I told you to take out the chicken from the fridge 30 minutes ago." Avery said before showing the frozen chicken she just took out of the fridge.

" Ok, before you get mad, I was going to... I just got distracted cause a lyric just came up and I had to write it down." Natalie explained.

" Well how am I supposed to cook? It's literally frozen." Avery said then Elise came in.

" Are you guys fighting?" Elise asked, confused." There's a lot of food to cook, just cook something else. Simple."

" What were you doing anyway that you couldn't take it out of the fridge yourself?" Natalie asked." For your information, I called you about it because I was at the bar." Avery explained.

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