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"Julie, open the door!" Jaycee yelled from outside Julie's room. Julie stared at the door, scared as tears ran down her face.

"Julie! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Jaycee yelled. She hid under the covers as she heard Jaycee opening the door with the key to her room.

"Get up!" Jaycee removed the cover and held Julie's wrist tightly.

"Mom, please... No!" Julie begged, trying to get out of her grip.

Jaycee dragged her out of the room and pushed Julie out of the house. Julie dropped to the ground, scratching the palm of her hands, luckily she didn't hit her head.

Julie looked back at her mom in fear, but Jaycee just stared at her before slamming the door shut.

She quickly got up and started knocking on the door.

"Mom, please! Open the door! Mom!" She begged, crying, looking at the dark street.

Julie sobbed on the front porch, praying her mother would open the door.

She reached inside the pocket of her hoodie and felt something.

She took it out and remembered Andrei's pocket knife.

She lingered over it for a long time, drawing her sleeve up to reveal the scars on her wrist.

Julie quietly, as much as she could, sobbed and held the pocket knife close to her heart as the blood dribbled down her torso, stinging relief following after.

September 8

"Nellie, hurry up." Daffy knocked on the bathroom door. "All done." Nellie smiled, opening the door as she sprayed her perfume.

Daffy looked at her sister in confusion and surprise. "Is that a new perfume?- On second thought, since when did you start using one?" Daffy teased her sister downstairs.

"What do you mean?" Nellie asked, glancing at her sister, still with a weird smile.

"I mean, you're taking a long time in the bathroom than before, you're using a new perfume, and now you have this weird smile. What is going on?" Daffy asked.

"It's called being hygienic and taking care of yourself. That's all." Nellie shrugged. "Hi mom, hi sis, hello James."

"'James?' Never felt like a total stranger before." James muttered, making Nadia and Abby chuckle.

"What's with the good mood?" Abby asked, looking at her sister suspiciously.

"I love this version of you." Nadia smiled.

Nellie chuckled, sitting down to join them for breakfast.

"Can you answer my question earlier?" Abby asked as she noticed Nellie smiling even more after receiving a text.

Daffy looked over to see who it was as she walked into the dining room.

"I'll answer that. She has a massive crush on someone." Daffy answered, sitting down next to her.

"Daphne!" Nellie slapped her arm.

"Oh come on! Your eyes form in the shape of a heart whenever you see him." Daffy chuckled, rolling her eyes.

"Who's the guy? Or girl, I don't mind." James asked.

"He is... drum roll please..." Daffy said, tapping on the table, looking at Nellie who was shaking her head.

"Zach... Harper."

"Zach Harper? What? Which child is he?" Nadia asked. Shocked and confused.

"Nick. Zach is like an exact replica of his dad." Daffy explained.

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