FC: 10

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" Hey, am I late?" Tony asked joining the lovers club handing out food for the homeless.

" Tony, glad you can make it." Logan greeted." You're 10 minutes late." Elise said looking at her watch.

" Still strict in time?" Tony asked.

" I'm just kidding." Elise chuckled as everyone laughed.

" Here, you'll need this. You don't want to ruin that white shirt." Max handed him an apron with a smile.

" Thanks." Tony smiled before starting to help.

After hours in the program, standing in awkward silence between the Morgans and the Lovers Club, Lily decided to break the ice, deciding to talk to Liv.

" It surprised me to know you guys are back." Lily spoke trying to start a conversation between her and Liv.

" Uh yeah... I never thought we'd be back here." Liv said.

" So, what's your business here?"

" Just doing our job, detectives, you know what I mean."

" I forgot you and Liam are a detective duo."

" Yeah... It's a fun work." Liv glanced at Liam having a chat with Michael.

" Of course it's fun, you're working with your husband. I personally have fun working with Michael." Lily smiled. " We should go out for dinner."

" Uhm... Sure. "

" How about tonight? Is that ok? I mean I know you're pretty busy and all but maybe you could make an exception for tonight?"

" Yeah, I guess tonight is ok... A chance to finally talk. " Liv agreed as Lily nodded.

" Great. Uhm... Orlando Blues?" Lily asked." Sounds great." Liv said smiling as Liam and Michael walked over to them.

" Hey, we planned dinner together." Liv informed her husband. Liam looked at her in surprise." Really? Wow, that's great." Liam said.

" Meet us at Orlando Blues at 8." Lily smiled glancing at Michael who smiled as well." Is there any food left? Kinda hungry." Nadia plastered a smile walking up to them as the program was finally over.

" No food left, but, how about we go out to S&N for lunch?" Michael offered looking at everyone." My treat."

" Thanks for the offer Michael, but we're gonna pass, we have something to do with our business. I'm sure you understand." Natalie said politely as the rest nodded in agreement.

" Of course, not a big deal. I guess it's just us." Michael said turning to Lily, Nadia, and Derek.

" Thank you guys again for helping us." Mayor Anderson thanked them all." Anytime Mayor Anderson." Sean said.


" Liv, Liam. Any lead?" Nick asked as they all sat around a table in the speakeasy." Still tracking them down, it's hard to gather files about the owners." Liam said.

" Apparently, the used name for the business certificate are made up. We tried searching for them but there wasn't any guy who's named Evan Elrod." Liv explained showing them a file.

" We're getting close, that's all that matters." Louis said.

" How close is close? That's the question." Natalie asked turning to him." Every time we ask how much longer it will take, you only answer it's close."

" Investigating is very serious, we can't rush it." Louis answered, Natalie just nodded.

" Anyway, uhm... the wine tasting. When is it?" Oliver asked changing the subject." Great question. This Saturday actually. I have invited a couple business partners, and of course we can't forget about THE business partners." Cassie said and everyone chuckled.

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