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"I believe we have English class together." Gia said to the twins and Leo.

"First class. We can go together." Lena said. "Lena, we still have to get our lockers." Elijah said.

"I guess we'll just see you in class. English class is our favorite subject by the way." Conan said with a smile before glancing at Clark and Gia.

"See you later." Clark said before he, Conan, and Gia left.

"I have never seen people so excited about English class." Leo said.

"I'm gonna go find my classroom." Mia said. "We'll come with you." Estelle said.

"No, that's ok. I can handle myself." Mia said that made them all speechless.

"Aren't you a grown up." Louise chuckled. "Good luck Mia." Estelle said giving Mia a hug, joined by Phoebe, Louise, and Eloise.

"Group hug! Come on guys, huddle up." Caspian said pulling everyone into a hug.

"See you guys later!" Mia said leaving her cousins.

"She grows up so fast." Lia sighed in awe. "I'll see you guys later too." Theo said walking away.

"Good luck on first day, Bud." Eloise said. "Good luck Teddy." Estelle said to her brother. Theo looked back and gave them a smile.

"Now where were we?" Lena asked.

"Lockers." Aria reminded. "I'm so glad you're here to remind me." Lena said placing her arm around Aria.

"Let's go, Phoebs." Louise said linking arms with Phoebe as they followed Lena.


"Good morning guys, welcome to English class, is everyone here?" Betty asked as she looked at the class.

"Miss Betty, we're still missing few students, I believe they're just getting their lockers." Gia informed the woman.

"Thank you for the information, Gia." Betty said.

"Are we late? Our apologies-" Elijah was cut off as Lena started silently freaking out, hitting his arm while Leo was in shock as well.

"New students! Last names?" Betty asked. "Harpers." Leo answered which made everyone in class look at them.

Betty gasped. "Harpers! I'm so glad to finally meet you!" Betty freaked out, getting excited.

"Sweetie, are you ok though?" Betty asked Lena. "Yeah.. Totally, just give me a minute." Lena said exiting the room and started jumping up and down in the hallway.

Lena calmed herself down and went back inside the room, still in disbelief.

"Are you ok?" Betty asked. "Why do you look like Taylor Swift, ma'am?" Lena asked. Leo and Elijah looked at each other, feeling second hand embarrassment for their cousin and sister, respectively.

"Dear lord, she's never been this excited about anything." Elijah whispered to the blonde beside him. "It's weird." Leo agreed.

"I get that a lot. But no, unfortunately, Taylor Swift is like fifty years old now." Betty said.

"Why don't you guys introduce yourself in front of the class first?" Betty asked.

Lena, Eli, and Leo stood in front, looking at each other on who goes first. "You go." Lena nudged her twin. "Me? You. You're born first." Eli said and Lena glared at him.

"Hi everyone. My name is Leonardo Dior Harper, I'm 22 years old and I play football." Leo introduced with a smile before glancing at the twins.

"You go." Eli whispered. Lena sighed and stepped forward. "Hi, I'm Elena Aurora Harper, 21 years old, I play the drums, guitar and piano, I'm also a singer songwriter." Lena said turning back to her twin who was trying to hold his laugh, causing him to almost get decked into the floor.

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