FC: 18

28 2 15

September 4

" Tim, are you going to Roseville later?" Trinity asked as she sat down for breakfast." No, why?" He asked curiously.

" Nothing." Trinity answered." What are you getting for Estelle's birthday?"

" I don't know yet. Still thinking about it."

" Oh yeah, it's this Sunday, right?" Tony asked as he sat down to join his kids who nodded." We can go to the mall this Saturday to buy her gifts."

" I wonder what I could get her. I haven't really known her for that long. I've known her for like, a week now?" Trinity turned to her brother unsure about what she just said.

" I forgot you weren't born that time yet." Travis said.

" And you barely knew Theo as you were just three."

" Well, I could remember some parts vividly at 3. You were playing in the mud."

" Because I act like my age."

" And so am I."

" No, you're not."

" Ok, stop it." Tim broke them off before things went down between them.

" He started it." Trinity muttered while Travis shook his head no.

" Trin, that's enough." Tony said calmly.

" Fine... Can I go to Roseville after class?" She asked changing the subject." Uhm... sure? What are you going to do there anyway?" Tony asked.

" Well, Mia and I wanted to hang out, since we never really knew each other that much and we're basically inseparable now." Trinity smiled.

" Oh, well it's up to Tim if he'll take you there since I won't get home early." Tony said, turning to his eldest son.

" I'm pretty sure he will... and voluntarily take her there every day." Travis said, turning to Tim who just shook his head and chuckled.

" Kylo, come here." Tim called. The Old husky came and sat down, waiting for a treat." So, are you taking me there or not?" Trinity asked.

" Yeah, but we'll go home first and get Kylo, he needs a little walk." Tim said, petting him.

" Didn't you get Kylo on your 6th birthday?" Travis asked." He's really old now."

" Hey, don't say that." Tim joked covering Kylo's ears. After breakfast, the Thornwells grabbed their bags and headed out.

" The witch is back." Trinity muttered looking across the street. Travis and Tim looked in the same direction and saw a girl with a very preppy outfit get out of a car.

" I thought she only comes home every second and fourth weekend? What is she doing here?" Travis questioned looking at his siblings.

The girl turned to them and waved." Get inside." Tim said going inside the car quickly with his siblings.

Tony got confused as he just got out of the house and saw his kids get inside the car quickly. He looked across the street and knew what was going on. He came inside the car and drove his kids to school.


" Good morning." Clark greeted, kissing his moms on their cheeks." What do you want for today? Pancake or waffles?" Maddie asked, showing both plates.

" Uh... pancakes." Clark answered." Apple or Orange juice?" Jenna, his other mom asked.

" Apple please." He answered with a cheeky smile, as he ate his pancakes.

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