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Elise watched the auditorium burst into cheers at the news, smiling at their joy, while internally cringing as she noticed Louise on the verge of a temper tantrum up on stage.

She sighed and rubbed her temple, locking her phone before her notifications blew up. She looked to where Alex was, nodding at him before walking towards the stage.


"Are you sure you want to do that?" Principal Albi asked as Elise sat before him just the afternoon before.

"We're this close to winning the petition." Elise nodded as the door opened, she looked to who just barged in before smiling at the girl, Daphne. "Oh, Mrs. Anderson. How are you?" Daphne sent her a courteous nod before turning back to Albi.

"What is it, Daffy?" Albi asked her as she placed down a paper on his desk. "Take a look," Daphne said in a monotone voice, hiding something. Elise leaned forwards as Albi opened the folder, getting startled as the man shot up and moved around, hugging the younger girl.

Daphne laughed and hugged him back, Elise watched them in wonder before turning to the paper, joining them as she read what was on it.


This petition has been approved by the Board of Directors of Quinton Academy of Performing Arts.

"WE DID IT!" Daphne exclaimed, wiping away tears from her eyes as she sat next to Elise. "We did it."

"Well?" Elise turned to Albi with an expectant smile. The man nodded, making Daphne tilt her head. "Don't worry, kid, it's just a nice way of announcing this."

"I trust you." Principal Albi pointed at Elise as she moved to leave the office. Elise turned around and nodded.

"I won't let you down."

End of flashback.

Elise was a few feet away from her family, breathing in before walking into the chaos of auras.


"I am so proud of you guys." Elise feigned happiness as she patted each of them on the back, beaming proudly. "Elected or not, your responses were perfect."

"Thanks, mom." Estelle weakly smiled at her mother, burying her face into the woman's chest as Eloise walked forward as well. The younger girl whispered something into Elise's ear before hugging her as well.

"You guys did so good." Elise grinned, sending thumbs up at each of them, relieving the tension for a moment before turning to Louise. "And you! Darling, you are the student body president! I can't be any more proud of you."

"Thanks, Aunt Elise." Louise smiled at her, hand grabbing onto Phoebe's forearm and squeezing as hard as she could.

Phoebe internally cringed before putting on a smile, tapping her foot on the ground.

"Hey, Timothy, we have to go- Oh, Elise." June went to drag her brother over, stopping as she saw the blonde woman, waving at her.

"Juniper! I didn't know you were back."

"Nice, nice, Timothy, let's go." June smiled at the woman before rushing out with Tim, barely able to wave at his friends before his sister grabbed him and left.


"Are we ready to go?" Elise asked after a moment of awkward silence.

The group nodded and off they went outside, to where their usual rides were lined up next to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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