FC: 20

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"Hi." Tim greeted the cashier as he placed down a basket with a bunch of art supplies.

The staff just smiled at Tim and Tim smiled back, awkwardly.

He stood there, tapping his fingers on the counter, patiently waiting as the cashier scans the items.

" You paint?" The cashier asked, trying to make small talk.

" Ah yes, but I'm giving it as a gift for my friend." Tim answered. " But I do sell and donate some of my art in our local art galleries."

" Ah, that's good to here." The Cashier smiled. Tim stayed silent and just glanced at Trinity standing beside him.

" Thank you." Tim said as the cashier handed the bag to him before they left.

" That is the most awkward 7 minutes I have ever seen in my life." Trinity spoke as they headed out of the store.

" If you keep bullying me, I'm gonna tell Thalia." Tim jokingly warned.

" I am not bullying you."

" Yes you are."

" No, I'm not. You're just a big, soft, sensitive baby." Trinity stuck out her tongue and playfully punched Tim's arm.

" Ow!" Tim hissed." That hurt."

Tim looked at Trinity who just smiled in victory. He smirked, deciding to call Thalia.

" Who are you calling?" Trinity asked, confused as she stood in front of Tim, trying to call someone.

" What now, loser?"

" Trin is bullying me."

" What?! No, I'm not!" Trin panicked, trying to get Tim's phone but fails.

"You're calling me for this? Seriously?"

"Hey. I thought you're gonna back me up on this."

"Give the phone to Trin."

" I am not bullying him." Trinity answered as soon as she got Tim's phone, hitting his arm.

"Stop hitting him. You know he's a soft child."


"Shut up, Tim. I will hit you when you come here."

Tim just rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Trin, what did I say?"

" Do not bully anyone."

"And that includes Tim. He's your brother, you should respect him."

"Jeez. We were just messing around." Trinity said, glancing at Tim who was looking away with a smirk.

" Trin. Do you hear what I'm saying?"

" Yes."

" That also includes Travis. Now where is that kid?"

" At Roseville, building a robot with Theo/Nerd things." Tim and Trinity answered in unison.

" So it's true, the Harpers are in West Brook."

" Yeah, Mia's so cool." Trinity excitedly shared.

" Mia?"

" Estelle and Theo's sister." Tim explained.

" They had a third child?- Anyway. I'm gonna go, Trin, promise to behave. I'll send you a box of skittles if you do."

" Yeah and that actually takes a month for a box of skittles to get here."

" Or I could just send Tim some money so he can buy it for you."

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