FC: 22

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"So." June smirked, glancing at Tim, sitting beside her.

"Hm?" He turned to his older sister, looking at him with a smirk."What?"

"Is there something going on with you and Estelle?" June asked out of nowhere. Tim's eyes widened, shaking his head no.

"No. I don't think so. He kissed Eloise." Trinity said.

June stopped the car quickly."What?!"

"Good thing we have our seatbelts on." Travis smiled. Trinity rolled her eyes, turning to her sister.

"You kissed Eloise?!" June looked at Tim, acting surprised.

"Wha- I- I thought you-"

"I'm just kidding. I already know." June laughed, starting to drive away again.

"You already knew?" Trinity asked."News spread quickly, sweetie." June said.

"Eloise is Estelle's sister, right?" June asked."Uh... no? Not really." Travis said, confused.

"What? I think I remembered her staying in France with them- Nevermind."

"They're just really close friends. They're inseparable." Tim explained, looking at his phone, and texting someone.

"Hey, phone down. This is family time." June said, grabbing Tim's phone away and seeing who it was.

"June, I need it back." Tim whined, pleading June to give his phone back.

"You can text Estelle, Later. When we get home." June said, putting the phone in her pocket."Now, go tell me about your status with your friends."

"Well, Tristan, Lottie and I are still great friends-"

"Tim, you know what I'm talking about. Get to the point, come on. I noticed you were slowly going insane. It's funny." June laughed.

Travis and Trinity just looked at each other confused."Do we need to take you to a psychiatrist?" Trinity asked.

"What? No, Trin." Tim shook his head.

"Timothy James Thornwell. Are you gonna talk or not?" June raised her eyebrow, glancing at Tim.

"We're just... best friends. Like a trio." Tim answered, flashing an innocent smile at his sister.

"You hesitated." June said, unconvinced.

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"I did not."

"You said. 'We're just' 1.2.3. 'Best friends'. There was a pause, Tim. You clearly hesitated." June teased, tickling Tim.

"June. stop it- you're driving!" Tim managed to say in between laughter.
"Close the door- Mom? You're home early." Seb said as they just got home from school.

"Uh yeah... your dad told me to go home early." Liv answered, leaving the kitchen to hug her kids.

"Mom? Are you ok?" Ronnie asked, worried.

"Hmm? Yeah. Why?" Liv asked, letting go of them."Where's Eloise?"

"At Roseville as usual." Ronnie answered.

"I see." Liv said, walking back to the kitchen to continue making dinner.

Seb and Ronnie looked at each other, noticing Liv seemed sick.

"Mom, are you sure you're feeling ok?" Seb asked, following his mother into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Don't worry about me. You can go to your room, I'll call you when dinner's ready." Liv smiled.

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