FC: 14

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" Holy shit." Caspian said, patting Nate's shoulder to get his attention as he and Nathan looked who it was. " Are you seeing this?"

" Yes I see it. I'm not blind." Nate removed Caspian's hand from his shoulder.

" What are you guys doing here?" Nick asked walking towards them.

" It's better if we sit down first and let me explain everything." Zara said, glancing at Zach who looked down.

" Uh, yeah, this way." Nick said, leading them to the living room where everyone is at.

Everyone looked at them in shock.

" Hi everyone." Zara greeted. Everyone waved at her and said hi.

" So... What's going on?" Nick asked, confused.

" Well, it's simple. Your son got kicked out from school for the 5th time." Zara said and Nick looked at his son in disbelief.

The kids looked at their parents who also looked at them.

" Zach. What did you do this time?" Nick asked.

" I did nothing wrong. I defended my friend and that's it." Zach explained.

" By defending, you mean beating up kids?"

" They're not kids anymore, they're a bunch of assholes." Zach crossed his arms and leaned back.

"He's right." Zara whispered to her ex-husband. "You're supposed to be responsible here." Nick whispered back.

" Well, he's definitely the male version of Louise." Apollo muttered.

" True." Eli agreed.

" Zach will be staying with you for the rest of the school year. I think it's the best and only choice I have left." Zara said.

" I already talked to Alex about the school so you don't have to worry about anything else."

Everyone looked at Alex who looked down.

"I'll be visiting every week, except for that." Zara finished to explain herself. "So, Nicky poo."

"I hate your guts." Nick sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"The feeling's mutual, honey." Zoe patted his shoulders, turning to look at her son who just looked irritated at his parents. "This is for your own good, kid." She tutted.

" Alright, Uhm, zach's room is-"

" He can stay in my room." Nate volunteered." Ok then. Thank you, Nate. Zach, is that alright with you?" Nick asked.

" Yeah, whatever room's available." Zach answered, giving Nate a smile." The old buddies are back." Louise teased her brother.

" Alright, kids, go up to your rooms." Elise said as Max came back down after taking Mia to her room.

Everyone went up to their rooms, saying goodnight to their parents." I'll be in your room later, ok?" Elise said and Estelle nodded, following her cousins upstairs.

" So... are you... you know?" Logan asked, pointing at Nick and Zara.

" What.. What do you mean?- US?! HELL NO! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT-" Zara exclaimed.

" OK, ok. Jeez." Logan stepped back. "We're just best friends." Nick smiled.

His siblings and his cousins looked at them weirdly.

" I.... hmm... ok." Lucas said, unconvinced. "Lucas, we're not getting back together." Zara said, staring at him dead in the eyes.

" It's been awhile since we saw you. How are you?" Chloe asked, sitting down across from her.

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