FC: 4

60 2 164

August 24

"Hey, I made breakfast." Blaise greeted his mom who just came out from her bedroom.

"You seem excited." Brighton said as she made herself coffee. "First day of school." Blaise said.

"Since when did you get so excited for the first day of school?" Brighton looked at her son, surprised.

"Is this about Sam?" Brighton asked. "Why are you dressed up like that? Work?" Blaise countered his mom's question.

"Blaise-" Bright began.

"Mom, you know I don't like the idea." Blaise told her, frowning into his mug. "I'm doing my best to give you things you want. So shut your damn mouth." Brighton told him sternly.

Blaise just rolled his eyes and ate his breakfast.


"Kyle!" He heard his mom yell from downstairs. Kyle ran down, carrying his bag.

"I've been calling you for the tenth time. What took you so long?!" Lexi asked.

"I was in the shower." Kyle explained." Whatever, eat your food and go to school." Lexi said, followed by her boyfriend coming in from the garage.

"Hey bud." Hudson greeted Kyle, tapping his shoulder causing the blonde to flinch under his touch.

"I'm gonna go to school. " Kyle said, finishing his breakfast before running out of the house.


"Lottie, Grant. Come downstairs." Michael called his kids from their rooms.

"Just a sec!" He heard Lottie yell from her room. "Hey Dad." Grant waved at him, coming out of his bedroom.

"Looking good Grant." Michael complimented his son, ruffling his hair. "Thanks, gotta make my first impression last." Grant said then Lottie came out of her room.

"How do I look?" Lottie asked, posing for her father and brother. "A candy in human form." Grant teased.

"I hate you." Lottie glared passing by him. Michael shook his head at his children, Grant laughing while Lottie flicked him off as she stomped over to the kitchen.

"I'm joking! You look great!" Grant yelled. "I know!" Lottie yelled back.

Micheal and Grant chuckled before going downstairs.

"That smells so good." Grant said as he and his dad sat around the dining table across Lottie.

"Of course, I cooked it." Lily said, serving them eggs Benedict. "So are you guys ready to go to school?" She asked her children.

"Yep." Lottie said. "I'm gonna drive you guys to school-" Michael was cut off by Lottie.

"No dad, it's ok. Daffy's picking us up." Lottie said. "That yappy old car?" Lily asked, swiftly turning to her daughter.

"It's vintage. It's cool." Lottie said.

"And officer Derek fixed it so it's perfectly fine." Grant said.

"A lot of... things happened in that car." Lily whispered to herself, making Michael clear his throat at his wife. "Right, sorry."

"Well I'm at least glad you have a ride." Michael smiled at his family.


"Nellie! Hurry up!" Daphne yelled from downstairs. I'm coming! Calm down!" Nellie yelled running downstairs.

"So much yelling early in the morning." Nadia said. "What's with the hurry anyway?" Nadia asked.

" Mom. It's literally the first day of school. And I'm picking everyone up." Daphne explained.

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