FC: 11

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" Liv, Liam, what are you guys doing here?" Meredith asked as Liam and Liv came into the restaurant.

"Hey mom, we're looking for Lily and Michael." Liv answered while looking around. "The Morgans?" Meredith asked. "Yeah, are they here?" Liam asked.

"They're at the back... I didn't know you guys were going to have dinner together. I really did not expect it." Meredith was in disbelief. "It's been over 20 years, I think it's time we move on from everything that happened during high school. I'll see you later mom." Liv said walking away with Liam.

They found Lily and Michael talking to each other with two empty seats in front of them. Michael waved at them, gesturing to them to come over and sit.

"You're just in time." Lily said. "So... uhm..." Liam tried to start a conversation but he couldn't think of any.

" What do you guys do for a living?" Liv asked, taking over for her husband. "Oh, Michael, why don't you answer this one?" Lily asked, turning to her husband, and that was the moment they both heard the British accent seeping in through her words.

"My family runs a wine business, we distribute across America. I just got a higher position in our company." Michael explained. "Really? Tell us more about it." Liv was intrigued, glancing at Liam.

"We're trying to connect with the Harpers cause I heard they own a few of the biggest pubs across the world. And we wanted to work with them, we just never got the chance to properly talk to them." He added.

"We tried talking to Nick about it. But we haven't gotten any news." Lily said. "Nick is just one of the few people you have to talk about it with. You have to get through all of the Harpers." Liam answered.

"Can you help us? You're pretty close with them after all." Lily said. "I can't promise anything, but I'll try talking to Elise about it." Liv said.

" Thank you." Michael smiled, turning to Lily who smiled as well. "Hey, are you guys ready to order?" Meredith asked and the four of them nodded.

After eating dinner and having a casual conversation, with questions about their jobs and what happened after. Lily decided to bring up some things in the past.

"I owe you two an apology." Lily spoke, sincerity in her eyes.

Liv and Liam looked at her confused. "From what happened in the past... in high school." Lily continued turning to Michael who gave her a reassuring smile and held her hand.

"Lily, it's been more than 20 years... and we were in high school, we don't know much." Liv said.

"Liv, we were 17 back then, we already know what's going on. I've been mean to you, bullied you for years. It was not ok, and I'm very sorry for it."

"It's ok Lily, you're forgiven." Liv reassured, giving her a smile. "Well, I hope this starts a new friendship." Michael said and Liam nodded.


"Elise, can we talk?" Max asked his wife as he sat down on their bed.

Elise looked at him confused." Talk about what?"

"About the whole thing with the bar."

"Just get to the point, Max."

"Is it really necessary to investigate the owners?" Max confronted, trying to figure out his wife's reaction. "I mean, it's business. It's normal to have threats, it's part of it."

"You do know that they're taking half of our customers, Il Nostro Club will fall down if we don't do something about it." Elise said.

"Yes, I know that, that's why you guys found a way to get them back. I believe the wine tasting will get them back and there's no problem anymore." Max said, giving Elise a reassuring smile.

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