FC: 13

30 1 34

August 29

" Did Estelle or Eloise say anything about canceling plans?" Tristan asked, looking at his friends as they waited on a sidewalk near the park.

" Relax, they said they're on their way." Tim said leaning back to the bench while Lottie was focused on her phone.

" Eloise said that they're already here." Lottie said. They all looked confused as they looked around.

" I don't see them. Do you see them?" Tristan asked, turning to his friends.

" Nope."

" Yep." Tim said, standing up from his seat as he saw Eloise looking out the window, waving at them as the car got closer and closer.

" Hey guys." Eloise called." Hey Eloise..." They greeted with a smile that soon faded as they saw Estelle sitting in front of the steering wheel, waving at them.

" Sorry we took so long." Estelle apologized." I need a reason." Tristan spoke, in shock.

" It isn't easy to sneak this car out." Estelle explained. "Plus, getting the key was like a lazer mission." She added.

"I could have just asked mama, you know?" Eloise turned to her best friend.

"Where's the fun in that?" Estelle retorted with a raised brow.

"Wow, feeling mischievous today, aren't we?" Eloise grinned as she unlocked the door. "Now get inside. Quick." Eloise said.

The three went inside, looking confused and concerned as Estelle started driving.

" Isn't this illegal?!" Tristan asked, freaking out. Eloise and Estelle glanced at each other.

" Unless you wanna get caught." Estelle said.

" Plus, guys, relax, Estelle's a good driver. Never been caught... And she already has a driving permit." Eloise assured them.

"But it's still illegal." Tristan said.

" Kinda illegal. But who cares, she'll get her license soon anyway." Eloise said.

" So you guys do this often?" Tim asked. "Driving around town without supervision? Yes." Estelle answered.

"I mean, you haven't been caught, so I guess that's good." Lottie shrugged.

"So... Which way to the art gallery?" Estelle asked." Turn Right." Tim instructed.

" Got it."


" Benny no! Monica- Stephen!" Betty yelled from her room. "What?!" Stephen asked, confused.

" Are you blind?!" Betty asked, obviously hinting at Benny and her cat, Monica chasing each other in the room, making a mess.

"Come on, it's not a big deal." Stephen said just in time Benny hit the flower vase making it shatter into pieces.

"See... SEE!" Betty pointed, annoyed. "Alright, alright. Come on Benny." Stephen called.

"I'll buy you a new one." He reassured her, before leaving the room.

Betty heard a knock on her door, and without saying a word, Alex came into the room with a big smile.

" DAD!" Betty exclaimed, a big smile on her face." Excited for tonight?" Alex asked.

" You mean dancing and drinking tonight? Yeah, I'm excited." Betty excitedly said as she picked her cat up.

" No dancing. Just drinking." Alex reminded." That's gonna be boring." Betty said.

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