FC: 24

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"I'd be lying if I said I was surprised but I'm really not." Tim leaned over the bleachers, looking at his sister who still had that dumbfounded look on her face. "You know, I recommend opening your locker tomorrow."

"If you don't shut your mouth I'll leave you here." June pointed a finger at him before running back to the car.

"June! Where are you going?!" Trin asked, watching her sister run. "I should follow her."

"Careful- Travis, go follow her." Tim said as Trinity rushed down the bleachers to run after her sister.

Travis sighed, following Trinity.

"Wait so this isn't new?" Estelle asked, leaning over the bleachers as well.

"Years ago before Thalia and her moved back to France. They didn't actually date but they were far too cute and touchy to not be classified as lovers." Tim answered, gaining a surprised look from the Harpers.

Lena had a proud and impressed smile on her face, crossing her arms. "Damn, her game is good."

Eli smacked her on the shoulder.

"I did not expect that. At all." Aria spoke. "They seem pretty cute." Ronnie said.

"Yeah, they really were. Give them a little time, and they'll be back in no time." Tim agreed, drinking the water that Estelle gave. "Anyway, I gotta go back."

"Bye bye." Eloise waved.

"Good luck TJ." Estelle cheered.

"What was that?" Sam asked, surprised, but mostly happy. "Are you back together?"

As she passed her friends and sister, Maggie didn't say a word.

"Holy shit... that was epic." Nellie said in disbelief.

"She didn't kiss her for nothing. That I can be sure of." Daffy smiled, crossing her arms as she watched her best friend run away.

"What happened? What was that kiss? Why did she run away?" Grant asked, approaching the girls.

"You have far too many questions. Unfortunately, we can't answer all of it." Lottie said.

"Are you going after her or what?" Kyle asked Sam, referring to her sister.

"Nah, let's not bombard her with questions." Sam answered.

"Knowing Maggie, she'd just snap if you ask her about what just happened. The best idea is to leave her alone." Chase added which the girls agreed on.

"And what are you guys even doing here? Aren't you supposed to be playing?" Sam asked, turning to the boys.

"Can't we have a water break?" Grant asked, snatching the water bottle from Lottie's hand.

The girls just shrugged and sat back down.


June leaned against the window fiddling with her hands, deep in thought as she waited for Tim to finally get there so that they could finally leave, completely ignoring the presence of her youngest siblings.

"So...." Trinity broke the silence, looking at June, deep in her own thoughts.

"Just let her be." Travis muttered.

"Y'know, I suggest you talk to Maggie about it tonight. Not tomorrow, not next week, not soon because soon means a very long time- I heard she's going with Sam, Xolo, Lia, and Xochitl to the Roller rink tonight. It's your chance." Trinity suggested.


"What do you mean, no?!"

"I mean, no. I'm not talking to her. It's her choice, I won't talk, it's up to her. Now both of you keep quiet."

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