FC: 6

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"O my gosh." Betty walked into the faculty room after her first class.

"What? What's wrong?" Alex asked standing up from his chair, worried.

"Did I miss something?" Stephen asked entering the faculty room.

"I just met Lena, Eli, and Leo Harper. Alex, they are more adorable than I expected." Betty said.

"Well, I met, Mia Anderson." Stephen said crossing his arms, smirking.



"Is she really cute? I bet she's more adorable than I picture her. I wanna meet her already!" Betty exclaimed.

"Did Lena insult you?" Alex asked the woman, pushing Stephen away from her so as to not start a fight.

"She told me my eyesight sucked." Betty told him, sticking her tongue out at Stephen.

"Good, she likes you already." Alex laughed while Betty looked at her in confusion.

Anna walked into the faculty room, smiling at the little family bickering with each other.

"H-hey." Alex stuttered as Anna smiled at him. "Hi." Anna greeted.

Betty and Stephen looked at each other.

"Anna, right?" Alex asked.

"Yeah." Anna answered. "I'm Alexander Harper. I didn't get to introduce myself earlier." Alex introduced extending his arm to shake her hand.

"Hi Anna." Betty and Stephen waved. "Hey guys." Anna said.

"Thanks for helping me earlier." Anna added.

"No problem, it was a pleasure to help." Stephen answered, glancing at Alex who looked at him confused.

"She was having trouble carrying her things... yeah." Stephen explained with a nervous laugh. Betty nodded smiling widely.

"Are you single?-"

"Betty." Alex called.

"No, I just want to ask if you're into w- guys?" Betty asked.

"Oh my gosh." Alex muttered looking away.

"If you're asking me about my sexuality, my answer is I'm straight." Anna answered.

"Sorry about that, tweedle dee, twiddle dum, go back to class." Alex said.

"Hey, it's more opportunities for y-" Betty began until Stephen smacked a hand to her mouth, stopping her from talking.

"I said go back to your class. You're teachers." Alex said. "Oh right. Bye!" Betty said dragging Stephen out of the faculty room.

"They call you dad?" Anna asked, turning to Alex. "Yeah, our relationship is basically a parental figure and problem children." Alex explained that made Anna laugh.


"Lena. Lena. Lenaaaa." Eli kept snapping his fingers in front of Lena's face. "Sorry, what?" Lena asked snapping back to reality.

"You zoned out." Leo said. "Was I just dreaming?" Lena asked, looking around. "Nope, it wasn't a dream." Gia answered.

"Miss Betty get's the same question from new students." Clark answered. "And so does Mr. Stephen." Clark added.

"Who?" Eli asked. "He looks like Taylor Swift too?" Leo asked, confused. "No, he looks like Harry Styles." Conan said.

"Harry Styles? I don't believe you." Eli said, trying to control himself from freaking out. "Yeah, as if Haylor is reincarnated. They're not even dead yet." Lena laughed.

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