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August 10

Elise looks after her children playing in their backyard with a smile on her face.

Estelle chased Theo around who was sputtering words out in Russian while Mia laughed at her siblings, tackling Estelle to the ground.

"Elise." Max called walking up to his wife.

"Yes?" Elise asked, turning around.

"It's from Alex." Max said solemnly, handing his wife a small black envelope.

It was a letter to formally say Enzo has passed away. Elise looked at the letter for a short while before looking at Max and giving it to him so he could read it.

"He's finally at rest." Elise said before turning around and looking at her children, laughing with each other.

A tear slipped from her eye. Enzo had been close to Elise and losing him was hard for her, he was always there, yet now, he was gone.

"So what's the plan?" Max asked, placing the letter on the table before walking up to his wife.

"We'll go back to Westbrook." Elise said.


August 12

Natalie, Avery, Cassie, Logan, and Kelsey barged into Elise's office that startled Elise.

" What's going on?" Elise asked confused." Alex and Nick called." Avery said.

" And?" Elise asked." There's this anonymous person that built a bar club in West Brook." Kelsey said.

" What?!" Elise asked." How come Alex and Nick never called me about this?"

Then her phone rang." There it is." Logan said, pointing at Elise's phone.

" Nick." Elise answered.

" Listen. There's someone who-"

" Built a bar club? I know already." Elise said, rolling her eyes as she heard Nick chuckle.

" I assume they're there." Nick spoke." Yes." Elise said, glancing at her sisters and cousins standing in front of her.

" Anyway, Grandpa's funeral is this Friday." Nick said changing the topic." We'll be there." Elise said.

" With my nieces and nephews right?" Nick asked, sounding excited." Of course, we can never leave them." Elise said.

" I'll see you guys then... I miss all of you." Nick said that made Elise smile.

" We miss you too." Elise that made everyone in the office smile." Tell Alex we miss him too." Elise said.

" I will." Nick said." Bye Nick." Elise said before ending the call.

" This bar is a possible competition." Natalie said." Yeah, we can't let that happen. Nick and Alex mentioned it's bigger than Il Nostro Club." Cassie said.

" We'll check that bar when we get there." Elise said." For now, we'll have to start packing up for Grandpa's funeral."

" Yeah, we'll go home and start packing." Kelsey said, about to leave the room with the rest of them.

" Wait. Before you guys go." Elise stopped them. They all turned around and faced her.

" Have you guys forgotten how to knock?" Elise asked, which confused them.

Elise showed them a drawing with a long line across the paper.

" I was already finished with my design, then you decided to barge in to my office. Now I have to start all over again." Elise said.

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