FC: 17

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" What do you guys do for fun?" Lena asked." Nothing really. We just like hanging out in Daffy's house or sometimes Grant's house." Sam explained.

" What about you guys?" Kyle asked." The boys usually go play sports or games while the girls... I don't know what you guys do." Leo said, turning to Lena and Aria.

" Yeah, what do you guys do?" Seb asked." Seriously?" Aria asked." Oh I know, sorta like a book club." Leo said.

"No." Lena deadpanned, scrolling through her phone as she stood up and walked over to a corner.

"Seriously, what do you do in your free time?" Sebby turned to Aria with his head tilted in curiosity.

"I code, she plays instruments while talking about how much she hates wrong grammar, religion, and death." Aria looked at them.

They all shared a moment of silence, Lena rolled her eyes at them as she continued on writing and scrolling on her phone.


" I heard you guys are running for student council." Maggie said." It was more of Louise' idea." Nate says without even looking away from his phone.

Zach took his phone away from him." Have some manners." He whispered before putting the phone in his pocket.

" Uh... so what made you transfer to Quinton?" Daffy asked, turning to Zach who's on the other end of the table.

" I got kicked out." Zach answered nonchalantly. It brought silence to the table.

" So you're a troublemaker." Grant said." You can't say those words, Grant. It's hypocritical, look at the situation you got yourself into for the past few weeks." Daffy kicking his foot under the table.

"We made up- Ow!" Grant yelled, rubbing his arm after Daffy punched it harshly.

" No, it's ok." Zach answered.

" Ok, anyway. What are your hobbies?" Maggie asked." Ronnie, you go first." Louise called.

" Well, I.. I do figure skating." Ronnie answered." That's really cool. Do you compete?" Daffy asked and Ronnie nodded.

" I compete in the Olympics." She answered casually while the other 3 were surprised.

" THE fucking Olympics?" Daffy asked in disbelief." My siblings and my cousins too." Ronnie answered as Caspian raised his hand proudly.

" All the Hayes and Pattersons. Woah." Maggie answered." Uh, not all Hayes. We're not in the Olympics." Nate answered, pointing to himself and Louise.

" How exactly did you and Ben become friends?" Apollo asked." It was random. We had our first interaction about a petition and he says he wanted to help. And that goes on." Daffy explained.

" Oh so that's why you had us all sign a petition. What was all of that about?" Caspian asked." I literally explained it to you for a hundredth time." Ben exclaimed, making everyone laugh.


" I have never, in my life, met someone like your cousin." Nellie blurted out, turning to everyone as she looked back from staring at Zach.

" Uhm...." The Harpers sat there confused." Looks like someone has a crush." Chase chuckled as Julie nudged her.

" You have a crush on Zach?" Eloise asked in disbelief. "No? I'm just intrigued really, like he's.. something else." Nellie shook her head.

" No, it's just... Zach is the exact male version of Louise." Estelle answered." He's not a dictator though. He's the better version. " Lia said.

" Nate, Louise, and Zach. We call them the Sociopath Trio. For specific reasons." Mia informed.

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