FC: 16

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" I heard what happened." Eli crossed his arms as Estelle, Eloise, and Tim got back to the library." Uhm... it just happened a minute ago, how?" Eloise asked.

" News spread like wild fire here." Gia informed." We're ok, Tim and Lena was there so nothing else happened." Estelle explained.

" You know those guys?" Ben asked." They're our classmates." Tim answered." I will beat their asses when I see them." Leo said, balling his hand into fist, annoyed.

" Leo, they're kids." Lena whispered to him.

"Didn't you just threaten their souls off?" Leo quietly sneered at her. "Don't talk." Lena shushed him.

"Guys, we're ok. Don't make it a big deal." Estelle said, sitting down across from them." Este, it is a big deal. Aunt Elise will freak out if she finds out." Apollo said.

" Which is why we won't say anything about it." Estelle snapped. Everyone around the table looked at each other.

" Who are those boys? I wanna have a word with them." Louise said coming back to the library with Phoebe.

" Louise, no." Estelle said. "Lena already took care of it."

"She did what?" Louise snapped her head to look at the older girl. "Treat people with kindness, right?" Lena shrugged, leaning back. "Uhm... What's that supposed to mean?" Conan whispered to Lena.

" Remember the last time you confronted one of Este's bullies? You broke his arm." Eloise reminded her.

" OH don't get me started with that. That shit was fun." Louise said, making Gia, Clark, and Conan look at her in shock.

" I'm... Feeling..unsafe right now." Clark whispered to Conan as he leaned back to his chair.

Gia looked at the twins who just chuckled." Just please... don't say anything about it." Estelle pleaded.

" Fine. We'll let this slide but next time they come close to you. I'm gonna do something about it." Leo said.

"May I repeat, this is what happened to them." Lena showed the group her broken drumstick. Their faces dropped as they realized.

"Holy shit." Eli muttered.

"Yeah, I know." Lena patted his head, standing up and flashing everyone a sweet smile.


The Harpers, mainly the boys, Louise, and Phoebe followed Estelle, Eloise, and Tim back to their class to 'make sure' they were ok.

" You seriously don't have to do this." Eloise said, glancing at them." Just keep walking." Seb said. Eloise just sighed, glancing at Estelle who tried to keep it normal by just smiling and waving at students who greeted them.

" Alright, you can leave now." Eloise said as they stood outside the class." Alright, go." Apollo said, gesturing to them to go inside.

Tim, Estelle, and Eloise looked at each other then back to them." Guys, Lia's literally inside." Estelle said, hearing Lia's laugh inside the room.

" Wow, she really does laugh out loud." Tim muttered.

Estelle went inside the room, followed by the other two.

" Hey- What are you guys doing here?" Lia asked, confusing the three. Then they turned around and saw their cousins peeking inside the room.

" Seriously?" Estelle said, looking at her cousins." Just 1 sec. It'll be quick, I promise." Caspian said, looking around the room.

" I got this." Zach said, stepping inside and approaching the 6 guys." Hey."

" Do we know you?" Mateo asked." I'm Zach." He introduced.

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