FC: 25

21 1 3

September 11

A loud, loud crashing noise sounded from downstairs, sounding close to cymbals but Aria simply ignored it and closed her eyes, placing her pillow over her ears, not wanting to be awake for the day even if it was her birthday.

More loud crashes, this time sounding like drums, and it grew louder and louder until Aria couldn't bear it any longer and opened her door, just for the noise to filter into her bedroom, a loud guitar riff and mic feedback came from downstairs, a total guarantee to come from one person.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD!" Lee yelled as she saw Aria walk into the music room, greeted by Lee smiling from ear to ear.

"You're seriously an idiot for this."

"Aria, it's your birthday, hell day, my best day, and everything else."

"Nothing about that made sense."

"What? I'm the queen of making sense, girl."

Aria turned to her with a raised brow. Lena's straight face melted away into a smile, nudging her best friend on the shoulder. "You're officially into another year of being an adult, gosh, next year you're not gonna be a teenager!"

"Don't remind me." Aria scratched her head, yawning and stretching her arms. "Is everyone else awake or just you?"

"Estelle left earlier, football tryouts. Everyone else's still asleep, I mean they probably aren't now after... that but you know."


"Snakebit." Lena nodded, checking her watch before tapping Aria on the shoulder. "Hmm, oh well, happy birthday, sweet little."

"Oh come on! That nickname haunted my nightmares!"

"When you say nightmares, don't you mean w-" Lena began before Aria grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the music room, cutting the older girl off.


"I hate waking up this early." Eloise groaned as she and Estelle walked to the park.

"It's because you sleep around this time. When was the last time you got proper sleep?" Ronnie asked, walking behind them with Andrei.

"I don't know, can't remember, don't care." Eloise turned around, walking backwards as she faced Ronnie who just rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"What about you? When was the last time you saw light in your room?" Eloise teased. "All black, it's like a cave in there."

"At least my room doesn't look like psychedelic art."

"My room looks great. IT. IS. ART." Eloise defended.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

Eloise laughed, turning back around, noticing Estelle's silence. "Elle... are you ok?"

Estelle was in a train of thoughts. She didn't hear Eloise the first time, but when Eloise asked again, it brought her back to reality.

"Uhm... yeah. I'm fine." Estelle lied, placing her hands in her pockets as they were getting closer to the park area where Scott told them to meet up for the football try-out.

Eloise didn't buy it, not one bit of it. She knew Estelle was lying. "You know you can't hide anything from me, right? I know you're lying Estelle. I know you're nervous, but so am I, but we'll get through it. I promise." She comforted her, holding her hand tightly.

Estelle just nodded, looking far out, seeing the girls trying out for the team, also seeing some boys.

"Is that Tim?" She asked, glancing at Eloise who's squinting her eyes.

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