
10 0 16

September 5

" What about a blue shirt and jeans and a jean jacket?" Clark suggested as he sat down next to Conan, looking at Gia looking through Conan's closet.

Conan and Gia looked at him with a disgusted look.

" You have no sense of style, like at all." Gia confronted him. " What? I thought it was cute." Clark pouted, crossing his arms.

" Gia, step away from the closet. I got this." Conan stood up while Gia stepped aside and watched.

Clark just sat there and let his best friends do the work.


" Lia, scoot over." Estelle said as Lia was taking over the couch, smiling as she was texting someone.

" Lia." Estelle called her attention, once again." Oh sorry." Lia said looking up from her phone.

" Who are you talking to?" Estelle asked, eating a grape and offering to share the bowl of grapes with Lia.

" I'm talking to Xochitl. We're planning to go to the mall later." Lia smiled.

Estelle raised an eyebrow, smiling before looking away. "Ok."

" What?" Lia asked." Nothing." Estelle answered." No, seriously. What is it? Tell me." Lia set her phone down and turned to Estelle.

" Nothing. I promise." Estelle said, Lia just rolled her eyes and went back to texting Xochitl.

" What time are you going to the mall?" Estelle asked while she was on her phone.

" Around lunch." Lia answered before lying down on Estelle's lap." You're not coming with us?" Estelle looked at Lia placing the bowl down on the side table.

" To where?" Lia was confused." We're visiting our dads. I told you that, like, yesterday." Estelle explained.

" Oh."

" Hold on, Eloise is calling me, I'll be back in a minute." Estelle said, picking up the phone, leaving the room.


Julie knocked on the door, expecting Nellie to open it as she's been waiting outside their house for a long time and no one hasn't let her in yet.

" Julie. Hey." Abby greeted as she opened the door." You bitch I've been standing here- Abby! Hi." Julie smiled innocently when she realized she wasn't talking to Nellie.

" Ah... Good morning." Abby smiled, letting her in." Sorry about that." Julie apologized.

" No problem, Nellie's upstairs if you want to beat her ass. She's still asleep. Go wake her up." Abby laughed." I'm gonna go now, there's food in the fridge if you're hungry, and Daffy's... I don't know where she is."

" I think she's with Ben at the mall today." Julie answered." Ben?" Abby asked.

" Yeah, Ben Harper."

" Oh, ok. Bye Julie." Abby said before leaving. Julie went up to Nellie's room and jumped on her bed.

" Nellie, wake up!" She yelled." Julieeee. Shut the fuck up." Nellie groaned, covering her head with another pillow.

" Nellie! We have to go to the mall with the breakfast club." Julie said.

" I don't wanna." Nellie groaned, trying to swat her away. "I'll let you win on PacMan, Galaga, and Centipede." Julie smirked as Nellie shot up.

" I'll be ready in 20 minutes. Go eat or whatever." Nellie stood up from her bed and grabbed a towel before going into the bathroom and shower.

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