FC: 8

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"Hi!" A new girl waved at Tristan, Tim, and Lottie as they walked in class with Estelle. "Kyndra!" Tristan exclaimed running up to the girl, giving her a hug.

"I missed you." Kyndra, as the girl Tristan just called, smiled. "Hi Kyndra." Tim and Lottie waved, giving her a sweet smile.

Eloise and Estelle were confused. "Kyndra is Tristan's sister." Tim explained to the two girls. "They're the same age, are they twins or something?" Lia asked.

Tristan turned to them, hearing their conversation.

"Yes actually, both from the same foster home." Tristan explained as they sat down. "I got adopted when I was 6, but Kyndra here got kinda left out. I still kept in touch with them and you know the rest."

"That's cruel.." Estelle whispered to Eloise as Tristan and Kyndra hugged once again.

"Agreed." Eloise whispered back.

"Hi, I'm Kyndra Robins." Kyndra introduced with a cheerful smile.

"I'm Lia. Hi. Nice to meet you." Lia smiled, shaking her hand that made them all chuckle. "Lia, I think you should introduce yourself properly." Estelle nudged.

"Oh, right. My full name is Ophelia Adelaide Patterson, just call me Lia." Lia introduced herself again. "Nice to meet you Lia." Kyndra said, before Estelle could introduce herself, Lia talked again.

"If I may ask, where were you yesterday?" Lia asked. "I helped my sister with something the night before and overslept." Kyndra explained.

"So glad to finally meet you, Kyndra. My name's Estelle Marie Anderson, but feel free to call me Estelle." Estelle introduced before turning to Eloise for her turn.

"Eloise Naomi Avonlea Hayes. At your service." Eloise introduced herself with a proud smile. "3 first names. Fascinating." Kyndra said.

"Oh I know." Eloise laughed. "Just call me Eloise."

"Well then, it's very nice to meet you, Eloise." Kyndra enthusiastically shook her hand when a ginger girl frantically ran to hide behind her.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" Tristan patted the young ginger's shoulder.

"Anais thinks I took her pen and now she's hunting me down." The ginger told him, now hiding behind him.

"Viv! I know you took it!" A girl approached Tristan with a glare.

"No I did not!" The ginger argued.

"Yes you did! I saw you!" The other girl exclaimed.

"Okay, stop it. Ana, your pen is literally right here, in my damn hand. You're embarrassing yourselves, look at your audience." Another girl ran to them, pushing them away from each other.

"Belle, thank god." Tristan sighed in relief.

"You two really can't survive without her, huh?" Kyndra giggled.

Estelle, Eloise, and Lia watched in astonishment as they watched a whole family argue in front of them.

"Okay, introductions." Tristan clapped his hands together, pushing all his former foster sisters together.

They all nodded.

"I'm Anais Robins."

"I'm Vivian Robins."

"And I am Mirabelle Robins, Anais's my twin."

"That is... wow." Lia muttered before shaking their hands one by one and introducing herself.

"I'm Lia Patterson, it's nice to meet you."

Estelle and Eloise quietly laughed behind her before shaking their heads, all in unison.

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