FC: 15

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" What was all of that about?" Natalie asked Elise as she saw her at the VIP lounge.

Elise looked up to her sister before looking back down to her phone.

" Elise." Natalie called, sitting down in front of her.

" I'm gonna apologize, don't worry. " Elise answered, knowing what Natalie was talking about. "But like come on, I couldn't help it. And did you hear what she said? No? They were her only friends!"

"That's just mean now." Avery pointed out. "Lily seems like she's changed, like Nadia, they've both changed. After all, the last time we saw them they were both leaving for a boarding school in Europe."

" What are you even doing anyway?" Natalie asked, noticing Elise was busy texting someone.

" I'm talking to some board members and talking to people for Este's birthday." Elise explained.

" Oh shit. Estelle's turning 16 this Sunday. I almost forgot." Natalie said, realizing what day it is." I remember when Louise turned 16... gosh... I don't even want to talk about it."

" You cried." Elise answered and Natalie shook her head." No, I did not." Natalie denied.

" You did. I was there." Elise insisted while Natalie still kept denying it." Nat, I literally saw you bawling your eyes out."

" Ok, don't exaggerate. I just teared up, I did not bawl my eyes out." Natalie corrected, pointing her finger at Elise.

" Right." Elise chuckled.

" Plus, your daughter turning 16 is a big deal. It's literally where you realize she's growing up. She's changing. She's not the same kid you raised, that's all gullible and happy." Natalie added.

"And it's a sign you're growing old." Avery whispered.

Elise nodded, understanding what she meant." Though, Louise isn't technically gullible, growing up."

" Yeah, I'm starting to regret making Nathan and Louise stay with you or Nick while I was doing tours." Natalie joked.

" I only taught them self defense. Nick taught them to strike first."

" That's why I should've made them stay with Avery." Natalie said then Avery came and joined them.

" Why was my name mentioned? What are we talking about?" Avery asked, confused." Nothing, we were just talking about how I regret making Nathan and Louise stay with Elise and Nick when I was doing tours." Natalie explained.

" I actually took the kids to stay with Avery for a week, after that I took them back. And you know what they said? Avery was boring, all they did was do yoga and garden." Elise explained.

Avery gasped, jokingly of course. "The blueberries needed help!"

" Louise told me she had fun." Avery said." Oh she did. Not Nathan though." Elise answered." Anyway, what did Estelle say she wanted for her birthday?" Natalie asked changing the topic.

" It was pretty simple. She just wants a Garden party. You know, Fairy lights, picnic blankets, that's it." Elise explained.

" I can help with the food." Avery volunteered." I can help with the music, entertainment, whatever she wants." Natalie said.

" Thank you. I really want her birthday to be perfect, to make her day special."

" We get it, we always want our kids to be happy. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Avery said and Natalie agreed.

" I saw Louise preparing a speech for her candidacy. She's very determined to win the election." Avery said, shifting to another topic.

" Yeah, she's been talking about it non-stop." Natalie continued to talk about Louise and her plans when she gets elected as the school president.

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