Chapter 1

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"Shit. What do I do now?"
Tul looked at his watch. It was 12.45 am. He was in the middle of nowhere. There were trees all around him and a two way road.

He had left Bangkok in the afternoon  to go to Chiang Mai for his modeling gig. He had hoped to reach by 2 am but now that his car had broken down, he was perplexed.

It was dark all round, just the moon shining bright on top of the sky, giving shiny silver light to the surrounding, enough for him to look around for shelter.

Without the moonlight, it would have been complete darkness.

Then it caught his eye. There was a light source. He focused on it and spotted a house.

He followed the path, walking over crispy fallen leaves to reach the house.

He knocked on the door.

Max opened the door and looked at the man standing in front of him. A handsome young man, Max thought.

"Yes? Need some help?" Max asked.

"Yeah, hi. I am Tul. I come from Bangkok. I am on my way to Chiang Mai for a modeling gig tomorrow. My car broke down in the middle of the road. Do you know any local mechanic who can come and fix it for me?"

Max stood silent for a few seconds, taking in what this attractive man looks like, standing in front of him.
He then spoke, "Sure, come on inside. I will call the mechanic in our area."

Tul entered the cozy living room. He noticed the fireplace and the wood burning inside it. The room was warm, unlike the cold,chilling atmosphere outside.

"I didn't expect it to be this cold outside." Tul initiated a conversation to avoid feeling uncomfortable with this good-looking stranger, whose house he was in right now.

"Well this isn't Bangkok. The further north you come, the colder it gets at night." Max replied, watching Tul sit down on the charcoal-colored sofa in front of the fireplace.

Sitting confortably on the sofa, Tul checked Max out while he was on the phone - a tall handsome man, defined biceps and definitely expected to have some nice packs inside that shirt. Oh how nice it would be to undress this stranger and take a look at his bare, naked body.

Tul shoved away those dirty thoughts as Max hung up the phone and walked towards him slowly, taking in his presence inside his mind.

"He said he can not come right now as he is coming back from Bangkok right now as well. He will be here tomorrow morning. What time is your gig?"

"Oh it is at 3 p.m." Tul answered.

"Then you can stay the night here with me and after he fixes your car tomorrow morning, you can continue your journey." Max suggested, but his tone was so authoritative it sounded more like a statement than an offer.

"You would trust me enough to let me stay the night? What if I rob you?" Tul joked.

Max caught on to it and rode the wagon, "What makes you so sure I won't rob you first?"

There was something sexual about the way Max stared right into his soul when he said that. It made Tul tingle all over his groin.

"The car is in the middle of the street." Tul said, to beat around the bush of sexual tension.

"Let's go out and see if we can move it out of the road," Max finished his sentence.

Tul led the way and Max watched his hips move as they walked out the door. It made Max's sexual drive soar high.

The two strong men somehow managed to push the car out of the road. Tul made sure the car doors were locked before heading back to the house with Max by his side.

Sex Drive: A MaxTul BL FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now