Chapter 10

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"Okay let's go." Max said.


They both left the room, and the fresh corpse lay there, inside the chest amidst all the different uniforms, long ropes, animal costumes etc.

On the way out, Max said, "Wait, give me a minute."
He went inside his room. Tul waited in front of the stairs. Max was back in less than a minute.

They then climbed down the stairs together and out the door.

They went to the car. Tul handed the key over to Max.

Before taking the key, Max took out gloves from his pocket.

He said, "I went to my room to get these gloves. I am not taking any risk. If the dead body was in the trunk of this car, I don't want my fingerprints on this key and on the steering wheel.

I don't even know if this car is actually yours or not. You might pin this car on me too, saying it is mine and that I was carrying this dead body. Taking no chances here."

Wearing the gloves, Max sat inside the car and turned in the key.

The car started. The engine roared and the headlights turned on.

Tul stood outside, shocked.

"Well? What do you have to say now?" Max asked.

Now Tul was silent. His head stopped functioning. He was going to be blamed now.

"I am calling the police," Max said.

"No, please wait. Please! Uhhh...believe me, it suddenly broke down when I was driving on the highway. I swear I am not lying. Otherwise why would I ask you to call a mechanic? Okay imagine if the mechanic came on time and saw that the car was alright, you would know I was lying about the car, right?

Also if he did arrive on time, then I would not get the opportunity or the time to transfer the dead body from my car to your house, right? And I would also risk the mechanic or you finding out the dead body inside my car by the smell of it. Why would I do that? Why would I risk jeopardizing myself by asking you to call the mechanic and set all this up? I could just go on my way and drop the corpse in the canyon in Chiang Mai if I had a corpse to get rid of."

"Okay, I hear you but then why did the car start now? You said it broke down. Then how did it start now?

What you are telling me are all speculation and what I am showing you right now is a fact. I choose to believe the fact, not speculations. The car is working. So you lied. As simple as that." Max said sternly, making his point clear.

"Okay come and smell inside the trunk and take a look at least," Tul pleaded.

Max agreed but while walking to the back of the car, Max said, "I should not have trusted you so much. I got enchanted by you. I was a fool. I should have kept my guards up with you."

Tul opened the trunk of the car.

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