Chapter 23

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"Can we please sit on the sofa and talk?" Max requested.

"Max, right now I am really scared. Are you a serial killer?" Tul asked, feeling anxious.

"What? No. I am no serial killer. What happened to Boun was an accident from my end. I take account for it but I am not a serial killer. I swear.

Just give me your hand, come sit with me on the sofa and I will tell you everything. Please trust me. Please?" Max put his hand forward towards Tul, looking at him with love.

Tul hesitated but he also wanted to trust Max. He took Max's hand and they went and sat down on the sofa.

The curtains were pulled open early during the day. The sun was setting in the horizon. The view outside was spectacular.

Max's eyes appreciated the view for a split second as his eyes went out the sliding door. He then gathered his thoughts and looked back at Tul.

It was hard for him to speak about this because it brought back pain and suffering from his past.

His eyes were already glistening even thinking about what he was going to say. But he knew he had to do this to move forward in his relationship with Tul and to build that trust.

"I was born in a poor family in the outskirts of Chiang Rai. My mother was the closest to me. She used to sell handicrafts to earn a living for the whole family. My dad was a drunkard. He used to drink every night and beat us up after coming home.

I spent my childhood watching my mother get beaten over his frustration with people and life. He used to take out all his anger and frustration on her. When he would come to beat me, my mother would intervene and then he would beat her more. I remember feeling helpless as an eight year old child, watching the violence my father inflicted on my mother," tears were rolling down Max's cheeks as he spoke. His words were breaking apart and he was trying hard to control his emotions.

He cried out while speaking and Tul felt the pain sitting in front of him. Tul took his hands in his own and then rubbed the tears from Max's eyes.

"I watched her getting beaten and having bruises day after day, year after year. Still she kept going to work the next day to feed him and to feed me. She suffered so much in life," Max broke down again saying this. Tul had tears in his eyes too. He leaned forward and hugged Max now.

After that Max rubbed his tears off and spoke again, "Then when I was thirteen years old, one night, he came home drunk again. He seemed furious. Probably he had a fight with someone outside and he took that frustration out on her.

I had been bottling up so much hatred for him during all those years of helplessness that I finally thought of something that night.

My mother was lying down on the floor, crying in pain.

I went to her and told her that we have had enough and now I would not take this anymore.

I told her that we needed to do something about it. We had suffered enough for this man and why was she earning to feed a man who beats her and her son up every night.

I brought her a stick and I took one too. We went to him. He was lying down on the mattress. I struck him with the stick first on his leg. My mother followed. I struck him again. He screamed in pain. My mother struck him again. We kept beating him with our sticks continuously. He was already too drunk to fight us and he didn't have any weapon to fight with.

We kept on beating him, taking out our frustration of all the years of suffering from that monster. My mother put the last nail in the coffin. She hit his head hard and he died on spot. And I am not sorry for that," Max seemed determined now. Tul could see the fire in Max's eyes.

Max continued speaking, "He deserved to die. My mother did the right thing by hitting on his head, killing that bastard."

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