Chapter 21

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Max then spoke, "Boun confessed to me about him cheating on me with someone named Tan. So you are that guy?"

"Yes I am." Tan stated.

"You are a homewrecker. How dare you! You are not a man! You tried to break a couple apart and now you have the audacity to come here and raise a finger at me?" Max accused him.

"I just want to know where he is. I am not raising any finger at anyone," Tan stated again.

"Okay then. Let me tell you what happened," Max kept the glass down on the table and breathed deep and then said, "Boun confessed to me the other night. He said he wants to be with me and I decided to forgive him. I really loved him. I had planned my future with him. But little did I know that he was cheating on me not just with you but with another man too.

Everything was going well the past two days after his confession. I thought we would get past his cheating but then today he received a call from someone and went out to talk.

As he was cheating on me with you, my trust was already dwindling. So I followed him out and evesdropped on his phone conversation.

He was talking to another man on the phone and he was speaking about taking my savings from my locker and leaving with that man.

He had it all planned out. As soon as he hung up the phone, I confronted him and he was forced to admit the truth. So I finally broke up with him and asked him to leave. I can not take such betrayal no matter how much I love him.

Now he might have run away to the other lover. I don't know where he is and I don't even care anymore. He is a snake."

After lying so naturally, Max waited to see if Tan was buying his story. Tan seemed to be processing all this information still.

So Max decided to instill some more spice into the story. He walked forward and put one hand on Tan's shoulder, trying to make him feel that they are on the same boat.

Tul stood there beside the door, watching all this drama unfold. He was observing both Max and Tan. Tul was surprised at how skilled Max is.

Max had tried to do the same thing with him. Max had tried to turn the blame on Tul when the body was discovered and that diverted to Tul trying to prove his innocence instead of questioning Max any further. Max was smart, Tul thought.

Max told Tan, "Boun did not just deceive me. He deceived you too. After gathering all his clothes, he left the cottage.

Then I left too. I needed to get away from there. So I came here to visit my cousin.

He played you too, Tan. You were not his only fling. Who knows how many other partners he has had while being with me and you."

Tan was speechless. It seemed like he was buying it. After all, Max was so good and natural in his acting and his lying. He could fake emotions and manipulate people. Tul was witnessing all these right in front of his own eyes.

Max then added, "Did you guys have unprotected sex? Since Boun might have had multiple partners, you should get HIV tested."

"No, we always used protection," Tan said, breaking away from his chain of thoughts. He had seemed lost all this time while listening to Max, trying to make sense of all these new information about Boun. Tan was hurting inside.

"Then you are good. However, I had unprotected sex with him. I don't know if I am HIV positive or not. I need to get tested after what I have learnt today about him.

I think he was with me for my money and he was with you because he got bored of me. But maybe even you were not enough to satisfy him. And I am guessing you are not financially solvent either. That might be the reason why he did not wish to run away with you.

So he dated another guy that he was going to flee with, taking all my money along. He was going to run away with someone richer than you. It's good that I heard his conversation. Otherwise I was done for."

Max knew he hit the bull's eye, making Tan feel insecure about himself. His act had paid off. Tan bought his story.

Tul saw how Max used layer after layer of manipulation on Tan to divert his thoughts and make him believe Max - first breaking his heart, then raising concern about his health and finally making him feel inferior financially. Max is a skilled artist, Tul thought.

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