Chapter 30

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So, the murderer entered the cottage through the back door which was unlocked like always and he had a gun in his hand.

He pointed the gun towards Max and started walking forwards.

The man yelled, "You disgusting homosexual! You should be eradicated from the face of this Earth. You turned my son gay. You filthy trash."

Tul realized who this murderer is from what he just said. It is Boun's father.

"Please put the gun down," Max requested him, being nervous.

"You, you are his new boyfriend?" The murderer asked Tul, pointing at Max.

Max quickly interrupted, saying, "No he is not my boyfriend. He is my cousin."

"Oh cousin. Don't you know he is gay? How can you support this filthy creature?" The murdered asked Tul.

Tul got angry now hearing this because he is open and proud of his sexuality.

Max then interrupted again, trying to keep the focus of the murderer on him only, "You tell us who you are. And why are you here?"

Max knew that the police are on their way. So he just needs to divert the man and prevent him from shooting until the police arrives here.

"You still don't know who I am? I am the father of that dirty creature who you sheltered. I killed him. I can not be the father of a homosexual. He wass a curse to my existence. Because of him, my name got tarnished. Homosexuals deserve to die, like you are going to die now. You deserve to die," saying this Boun's father pointed the gun at Max more tightly.

Tul got furious now and for a split second completely forgot the fact that this man has already murdered his own son for being gay.

Tul snapped and shouted, "You are the piece of shit. You need to be removed from the face of this Earth. I am not his cousin. I am his boyfriend. I am gay and I am proud of it. Don't you dare use your fucking filthy mouth to talk about us in this way. You are the one that is a curse to humanity. You are the one who deserves to die."

Max tried to stop Tul because he knew this was not going to end well if Tul gets furious and in turn makes the murderer more furious.

Max pleaded, "Tul stop. Stop speaking. Tul, he has a gun, stop screaming."

"You think he can fight the two of us?" Tul replied to Max and then he tried to jump forward to tackle the man and take his gun.

But Tul was too late because Boun's father had already pulled the trigger pointing at Tul.

Max had already sensed it and so he jumped in front at the right moment and the bullet hit Max's left arm instead of touching Tul.

Another shot was fired and the man fell down on the ground. The police was here. The inspector shot this fire at the man before he could fire another shot at Max or Tul.

The man got hit on his knee and fell down on the ground.

The police came running to grab the gun from him.

Max was bleeding from his arm profusely and he fainted. Tul was worried. The inspector called an ambulance immediately.

When the ambulance arrived minutes later, Tul accompanied Max to the hospital.

The man got arrested and taken away by the police.

On the way to the hospital, Max regained consciousness back.

Seeing him conscious again, Tul cried and said, "Max, Max, why did you do that? Why did you come in between?"

"Because he was going to shoot at you. I couldn't let that happen. I won't let anything happen to you." Max found it hard but managed to complete his sentence. He then lost consciousness again.

"Max!" Tul was choking up with emotions.

Max was ready to put his own life at danger to save Tul. It overwhelmed Tul that someone was willing to do that for him.

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