Holes in my Heart

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I snuggled closer to Gilbert who was fast asleep with his arm around my waist.A small smile formed on my face and I softly kissed his cheek, not wanting to wake him.His face was beginning to fill out again after weeks of bad eating habits, his eyes glowed with life now instead of having tears gushing out of them, and his smile looked so genuine and his laugh made my heart beat faster.

I felt at peace for once after weeks of agony. It felt like I've been through hell and back. The room was silent, enough for me to hear my heartbeat. I heard a vibrating on the nightstand and I slowly turned over. My phone continued to vibrate as I picked up.

There was soft breathing on the other line. I shivered at the eery breathing. I unwrapped Gilbert's arm and walked to the bathroom to talk without the chance of Gilbert waking up.

"Hello?"I asked to the phone, sitting on the toilet.

"Monica?"I recognized the voice as Ivan's. I sighed and began to listen to another one of Ivan's rants for me to come back. He's been calling me, hoping to convince me to move back.I usually don't answer and he'll leave long messages for me, but he called from a different phone this time.

"Ivan would you stop calling me,"I said harshly, trying not to yell or anger him. I've seen him angry and I don't want to see it ever again.

"But-" He began before I interrupted,"No buts, I have my own life. A boyfriend, college, and I'm staying in America."

He breathed deeply as if he was holding in his anger.

"Remember in high school when I asked you out?"He said.

"Yes, but that was high school and it was a long time ago."I hissed.

"You broke my heart when you declined me.Maybe this time we can work it out if you move back."He mumbled.

"I have a boyfriend that I love and you can find someone else to if you stop wanting me," I demanded.

"I don't want someone else!" He suddenly yelled, making me pull the phone away from my head.

"Well, I don't want you!" I regretted those words after the left my mouth.I hung up without a goodbye. I hung my head low and I tried to calm down by breathing in and out.The door creaked open. I looked up at Gilbert who looked at me through tired eyes. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Did Ivan call?"He asked, knowing the whole story. He bent down so we were looking eye to eye. He was cute even with the dried drool that began from his mouth and ended at his mid cheek and his hair was greasy and untamed.

I nodded and handed him the phone. I was surprised when he put the phone to his ear.

"I hung up,"I told him, thinking he wanted to talk to Ivan.

"I know,"He replied,"I'm calling him back." I grabbed his arm and tried to force the phone out of his hands.

"You don't want to make him mad," I warned but it was too late, he greeted Ivan through the phone.

"Ivan, why have you been calling my girlfriend?"He smirked at me but didn't let his humor transfer to his voice. There was mumbled through the phone.

"Well, I don't think Monica will be moving back to Germany any time soon and I don't think someone you are staking is your soulmate."

"This better be the last time you call my girlfriend."And with that sentence he hung up and handed the phone, smiling. He laughed and enveloped his arms around me. I couldn't help but hold back a rare laugh, that Gilbert loved.


*Gilbert' Pov)

One week later and no calls from Ivan. I smiled at my awesome work to get rid of him. I sat on the couch in Francis's living room. I sipped my red wine, watching Antonio and Francis dance to Just Dance. They eventually stopped and their heavy breathing filled the now empty room.

"So, how's you and Monica?"Antonio asked, not even trying to act sly.

"Fine," I asked vaguely, not saying anything that they couldn't blab to anyone.

"You need more juicy details like bedroom talk or drama."Francis poured more wine in his cup.

"I'm not giving anything away."I gave a smug smile.

"You're no fun," Antonio pouted.

My smile grew bigger at how innocent they were. I was much too embarrass to tell them that I was planning on proposing to Monica.

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