Under the Same Stars

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*Aushun in this story*

The piano music echoed through out the big house. The sun shined thought the window to perfectly illuminate the piano's black shiny wood. The day was like any other, boring, lonely, pathetic. I shifted in my spot on the couch under the window as I stared out at the birds that played in the bird bath.

"Gilbert, you should stop mopping around." My cousin,Roderich, said as he continued to play the haunting music.

I ignored him for he always says this everyday when I do the same routine, sitting on the couch and staring out the window. I wasn't mopping around, I was just sitting there taking everything in.

"Gilbert! Why do you just sit around at OUR house?" His wife, Elizaveta,hissed, swinging her deadly frying pan around.

"I can do what I want!" I snarled at her, not looking at her direction.

"You stupid bastard!" She yelled while she stomped closer to me,"You need to get your own life and not sit around ours!"

"You fucking woman, I can do what I want!" Then everything went black


I woke up in their garden that was pretty much a maze and I've always got stuck in here. Elizaveta and her stupid frying pan always knocking me out for sitting at their house. God, I must have been knocked out of hours, the sun is setting and that means I have to get out of here quick so I can Skype Monica.

I went right to find a dead end and then I took a left, dead end. Shit, why did that aristocrat and that penis envy woman have to make this maze?

~Hours later

I could see an opening and I ran straight for it. I'm finally free! I looked up at the stars in the sky.

You're as beautiful as the stars.

Fuck, stop thinking about that, Gilbert!I walked pass a window to get out. I could see them both in there having a snog fest. Stupid love birds, they're always making out or doing god knows what on that piano. I felt bad for that piano having to see those two everyday.


"Those bastards kicked me out again!" I yelled to the computer screen that had Monica on the other side. I could see the sun rising through her window while my sun was just setting.

"Maybe you shouldn't be at their house so often. You don't even like them." Monica replied.

"But it's fun to mess with them, I like to steal their toilet paper."I laughed,"And I like to see that aristocrat's panties in a twist."

"Anyways, how are you doing besides them?" She asked shifting her laptop.

"Boring without you yelling at me." I joked. It was true, life felt boring and colorless without Monica around. The 3 months with her not around felt like a million years. A million years without getting to hug her or kiss her or talk to her in person.

"I miss you." I rested my head on the table still looking at the laptop screen.

"I miss you too." She said.

"Can you just come to visit?" I begged.

"No, I'm not leaving my sick mother alone." She told me for the millionth time during these couple of months.

"Can I come to visit?" I asked once again.

"You have work."

"I love you."

"I love you too."


This is the first chapter to the story. I apologize if you don't like Aushun. Also, Gilbert is a bit depressed without having Monica around, but he will be happy around his friends and Monica, so don't worry you'll get to see the old Gilbert!

Written on the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now