Eternal Silence

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(30 weeks pregnant/ Gil's Pov)

The night was silent with the only sound being the crickets chirping and an occasional sipping sound from the beer we were drinking. The chilly wind blew on my bare arms and the green leaves flew across the yard. The stars in the sky looked like small white paint specs on a big dark blue canvas. It looked so blank and empty almost as if it was waiting for something to wake it like a scream or fireworks dancing in the sky. And then the stars would intensify and life would start again.

That deadly blankness was passed over to us: Francis, Antonio, Alfred, and me who all sat out on the deck, drinking beers and breathing in the atmosphere. I felt frozen in place and the life has left all of us. Were we waiting for something like the sky? Would something spark in us like a firework in the sky? Or maybe the scream will knock us out of this trance?

"Alfred, how much have you drank?"Antonio mumbled, leaning forward to closer at Alfred. His smiley and cheerful personality seemed to die down once the night was brought upon us.

Alfred looked over at him and his eyes nearly were closed," Two beers," He said as he brought the beer back to his lips, tilting it to let the poisonous drink fill his mouth.

I put my empty bottle on the table,"You look drunk as hell," I piped in, not laughing nor smiling. Alfred turned 21 not long ago and still wasn't use to drinking the beer. Honestly, I wished he didn't even take a sip because I knew how addicting this toxic beverage was.

He harshly grabbed another beer from the carton and struggled to open it,"Shut up, I feel like I normally do."He hissed, slurring his words slightly.

"Then how bout you drive then."Francis threw him the car keys and waited for his reaction. I didn't want to speak since my head couldn't stop pounding and the world felt blurry.

Alfred glared at him,"I can drink three beers and then drive."He took another taste of his brew.

"Guys, are you stupid?Haven't you heard how bad drunk driving is?" Antonio rubbed his head and laughed about the situation, yet the laugh was humorless.

"But, like Lil Al said, he isn't drunk," Francis smirked, hitting the keys closer to him, waiting for his next move.

"Just wait until I'm done with this drink!" Alfred snapped at he. He kept his blue eyes on him once drinking the rest of the beer. "Done!" He slammed the empty beer on the table, almost break it.

Francis jumped from his seat and threw the keys at Alfred's stomach"Then let's go! Come on Gil and Toni!"

I bounced up from my seat, not hearing barely any of their conversation, but I couldn't sit and stare at the sky for any longer.

"I'd rather not,"Antonio leaned backward, leaning against the back of the chair."Chiara would kill me if she found out."

"She wouldn't find out if you don't say anything; also, we're just going to take a spin around town, nothing bad."Francis grabbed Antonio's hand, lifting him up.

"I guess that's true."He mumbled while being pulled out of the house by Francis.

We all quickly got in the car with me in the passenger and Alfred behind the wheel. I wrapped the seatbelt around my torso and waited to move out of the parking lot.


The wind felt good blowing through my silver hair and he sky looked more alive. I could hear the engine growl angrily as Alfred raced down the highway with his foot on the gas at full force, smirking.

I closed my eyes to enjoy the fresh air.I felt so relaxed while going full speed down the highway, feeling everything and taking it in. The moon followed us down the road.

I'm getting married soon. I smiled while thinking over the ceremony. Monica looking gorgeous like always and holding roses as she walked to me, smiling.

Ten weeks after that we'll have a son to kiss and hug. We'll be a small loving family. I never thought I'll be getting married or even having someone to take away the pain. But now Monica's in my life and I can't think of a life without her by my side.

"Alfred!"I heard a screech from someone and I snapped my eyes open.

All my blood rushed towards my head as I saw a tree directly in front of us.There was no time to jump out or to climb to the back seat before the car crashed into the tree with a loud shriek.

I could hear screams from my friends that made my skin crawl. Smoke was all I could see, but I felt the worst pain I've ever experienced.I felt glass slice my face as I screamed in agony, but nobody could hear.I smelt burning and once the smoke cleared a bit, I could see the car bubbling up.

I wanted out of this hellhole, however, I was blinded by the smoke and I couldn't hear nor see anyone. My hands roamed my body, trying to find the seatbelt, and when I did I ripped it off, resulting in me falling forward in the boiling burning liquid.The lava made another scream leave me and it slowly burnt thought my cheek. It was excruciating like all the pain I've ever felt collided into one.

All I thought about was Monica and the unborn baby. Is this a dream? Will I ever get to see them again, kiss them, hug them, love them? Will Monica's lips even meet mine again or will I ever get to see my son?

I heard sirens in the distance getting closer and closer.

Then the pain finally stopped, disappearing into the numb night.

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