New Story!!

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So, I'm thinking of starting a new story after this story is finished (which will be another few parts, depends on how much I change the ending)I have two stories that I have written the first chapter that I'm not going to show but I'll give you the description.You guys can comment on which story you'll like me writing first.I'll still write the other one, but that will be after Wasteland is finished!

Say Goodnight:"Gilbert Beilschmidt had to experience his mother go slowly insane until to the point that she couldn't live any longer, and his father leaving without any sign or note, leaving him with a baby brother, Ludwig. Being only 18 at the time, Gilbert was angered at the newborn for taking away his teenhood, forcing him to grow up and get a full-time job while going college and taking care of a baby that only cries. Years past and Gilbert couldn't imagine being without his little brother but when cancer soon corrupts the six-year-old Ludwig, Gilbert would have to watch another tragedy in his life unfold before his eyes."

This story will be about Ludwig going through cancer with his older brother. It will mainly be about family and rough times.

The Mirror lies: "She wrapped her breasts in bandages. She chopped her blonde hair short. She shopped in the male's section. But still no one could see what war was going on inside her.Monica would bang on the door, scream until her she couldn't, and still she never is found. Her body whispered out for pink and dresses while her heart screamed for blue and sports.People could always hear the whisper above the scream. Her eyes saw ugliness in the mirror whereas strangers saw beauty, but why is she going by strangers views?Why is she letting her surroundings force her in this body, a body that wasn't her's?It was as if someone switched her and a man's body and she yearned to find her true body. But will her older brother, Gilbert, ever let her be in her true body, the one that she has to fight for?"

This one is about Monica wanting to be a male and going through emotions during that progress.Her brother Gilbert is her role model and she's scared that she'll get kicked out.

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