Caught up in the moment

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Harry's P.O.V.

This is exactly what I didn't want! This is my worst nightmare. I absolutely hate this! Niall Horan is going down.   

He took the ring from her hand and got down on one knee. "Sapphire Hazel Sertori, Will you complete my fantasy , and become Mrs. Sapphire Hazel Horan?" he asked. Please say no. Please say no. Please break his pathetic heart and say No. "Uhm....." She started. Okay. hesitation. That's good. "I'd be crazy if I said no, so...Yes!" she said as he stood up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Everyone was shouting and chanting 'woohoo!' and congratulating the newly engaged couple. I just sat there, with a blank expression on my face. I felt like my world came crashing down. Everyone was happy and smiling.....except me. And.....Tori? She isn't even the room. Maybe she left. At first, I could tell she wasn't there because of the lack of utter bitterness in the room. But, right now, I didn't give a fuck. I'm so fucking pissed the fuck off! I can't sit here and watch them be happy. Let alone pretend, to be Happy for them. I got up and stormed outside.

As I was walking, I heard a few sniffles. Not knowing, or caring what is could be, I kept on walking. Only to see Tori crouched on the ground. Wow. I didn't know people like her have feelings. She looked like a mess. "Hey, don't be upset." I said akwardly, crouching down next to her. Even though I was still raging upset, my mum taught me to be a gentleman. "I'm not upset," she said whipping some of her tears away which wear quite darkly colored due to the mascara it was combined with. "I just, really want to murder Sapphire Sertori."  she said through gritted teeth. "Sapphire?! Niall's the dumbass who proposed." "Yeah well Sapphire's the bitch who said yes!" she said angrily. "Okay okay. We have to come up with a plan. And fast." I said trying to cheer her up. "I'm done trying . We have to do something that actually works. When they say 'I do', we're done." she said staring at me. "I know." I said. I whipped a tear from her face. Before I knew it, her lips were on mine. I didn't pull away. But I didn't kiss back either. "I-I'm so sorry." she said after about 5 seconds as she got up and left me sitting alone, on the ground. I don't know what just happened but Sapphire Hazel 'Horan' or should I say, Future Mrs. Sapphire Hazel Styles, is still going to be mine. And that's a promise.

Sapphire's P.O.V.

"Thanks!" I said as Kacey gave me a tight squeeze. Everybody  was Congratulating Niall and I as Liam spoke up. "We should celebrate," he said putting his arms around my shoulder and Niall's shoulders as he stood between the two of us. "Yeah." Zayn shouted. I scanned the room to see the reaction on Tori's face. She wasn't there. Wait a second-neither was Harry. "Not tonight though. I need to get some sleep." Niall said while yawning. I, actually feel really tired too. "Today has been a really long day. It was fun having you guys, but I guess we'll see you at the celebration tomorrow, at the club. Right now , i'm tired so...Bye!" I said while pushing Liam's hand off of my shoulder and pulling him toward the door. "What i'd like to know is, where the fuck did the Sapphire that was obsessed with Harry go?" Liam asked as I kept on pushing him out the door. "She isn't here right now. Leave a message after the beep....get out." "Bye Sapphire." Liam said as I escorted all of them out of the hotel room. "Where'd Harry go?" Zayn asked as he was walking out the door. "I don't know. I'm sure he's somewhere on earth." I said as the all stepped out. "Bye!" Niall and I called in unison. "You saw that coming didn't you." he asked as I closed the door. "What? People say things in unison all the time. No big deal." I said nonchalantly. "No, the proposal." he said as he slipped his arms around my waist. "Not really. It was a little soon though. We haven't even graduated yet. And, i'm not sure..." "You're not sure you want to marry me?" He asked detaching his arms from around my waist and putting his head down. I lifted his face to meet mine. "No. It's not that. What are my parents going to say? What are your parents going to say?" I asked softly. "My parents knew I was crazy about you from the first day I met you. My mum though my phone was hers and accidentally went to the group chat with me, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. All she saw was Sapphire, Sapphire Sapphire, and hearts. So, they won't be surprised." "Really?" I said giggling. "That's cute. But, if we're married, how am I going to get my future job or you , how are you going to chase your dreams if we're married?" "Easy. I'll forget about my dreams and help you chase yours. It doesn't matter anyway because I have my dream right here. With me." he said. I couldn't help it but feel weak in the knees. He leaned in for a sweet passionate kiss, I broke it, and he stared up at me. "I almost forgot, I have to tell you something very important to tell you." I said as I stared directly into his eyes. "What is it?" he asked. "Ouch!" he yelped in pain as I slapped him at the back of his head. "What'd you do that for?!" he asked shocked, rubbing the back of his neck. "You could've killed me! I could have choked on that ring. Are you insane?" "I didn't know what else to do. I wanted to propose because of something Zayn told me, but I didn't know what to do. That's why I was watching you so closely, i'd never let any thing happen to you babe." he said defensively. "What did Zayn tell you?" I asked curiously. "It's nothing Sapph." "No it's not." "If I tell you, you'll over react." he said. I would not! That is so not true. Okay maybe it is true. "Okay fine. Don't tell." I said wanting to get off of that topic. But i'm gonna find out eventually. Whether he likes it or not. "I love you." he said planting a kiss on my forehead. "Uh huh. I have to call my parents now." I said as I got out my phone. "Me too. I have to tell everyone the great news." he said, dialing his mum's number. Oh shit it's ringing. Here goes nothing.

*Sneak peak for chapter 27*

"Sapphire Hazel Sertori! Do not, tell me you're pregnant!"

"No! I'm not. And you need.......................................

Harry's P.O.V.

"You look sexy in what you have on anyway." Kacey said as I stared at her wide eyed. "Thanks?"

Tori's P.O.V.

"You're just jealous because Zayn would never propose to you." I stood at the bar while I saw Sapphire yell at Kacey. "Wow, You know, I stopped being friends with Tori because I thought she was the bad one. Now I realize i've been on the wrong person's side all along."

Hey guys! It's me. I thought i'd give you a sneak peak into the most drama filled chapter. Tell me what you think. As always, stay beautiful.

Also, follow me on twitter @tweedle24HM

and instagram @1dupdatessz

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