Into the wrong hands

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Niall's P.O.V.

Yes! It's finally the weekend so I don't have to go to that fucking hell of a place called school. And, I get to spend it with my beautiful girlfriend. We have a date later on today at the movies. I now, the movies. Boring for an official first date but Sapphire said she wanted to start out small. I'm okay with it though. As long as we don't go to see some boring ass chickflick ...again. Fuck! I can't even remember what time she said to pick her up. Dammit. I guess I might as well call her and ask.

"Hello?" she asked when she picked up after about 2 rings.

"Hey! Sapph, What time did you say to pick you up?" I asked.

"Uhmm...Maybe like, seven or eight. I'll just call you later to make sure."

"Okay. So...What are you up to right now?" I asked smiling. It's a good thing she can't see me. "I'm actually really busy right now but we'll tal later alright babe?" she asked out of breath. I heard a loud crash on her end of the line. What the hell is she doing? "Sapph? What was that?" I asked concerned. "Nothing. Bye Ni." She said quickly as she hung up. "Bye-" I tried to get in but she didn't even hear since the line went dead before I finished my sentence. Who's busy at 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Strange.

Sapphire's P.O.V.

"Ugh!" I was currently flinging shoes across the room and picking up my clothes off of the floor. Apparently, my mom told me yesterday, that we would be going over to her friend's house for the day. But I probably forgot. This is pointless anyway. We're leaving in 5 minutes and i'm not dressed and I still have messy bed hair. As soon as I got off the phone with Niall, I pulled on a random shirt and some shorts with a simple pair of converse since it was blazing hot outside. That's first here. "Sapphire hurry up!" my mom shouted as she knocked on my door. "I'm going as fast as I can!" She thinks it's easy. I still have to taim this mane of hair on my head. Hmmm. Straighten? Curl? Or ponytail? Definitely not ponytail. Curl it is then. Ah the perks of being a girl. I grabbed my curling iron and just curled the ends of my hair. Eh. It's not spectacular...But it is passable. "Sapph!-" "I'm coming alright!" I yelled back running and hopping into the car. This should be fun.

I was on my phone the entire time. As we pulled up to the house , I didn't realise who's it ws since I wasn't paying attention. Fucking Bullshit! It's Harry's house. Seriously mom? Out of all the friends she could have picked. Out of all the freaking houses we drove past. This damn one? "Thanks alot mom." I said sarcastically as we got out of the car. "Oh come on Sapph. You never know. This could be really exciting." Oh trust me. You have no idea. My mom pressed the doorbell and, out came Harry's mum. Mrs. Styles. Well. It can only go downhill from here right?

Harry's P.O.V.

"Okay. That's the first thing on the agenda. What devious plans do you have?" Tori asked as we sat outside in her backyard. I really didn't want to be here but I had no choice. "Uhmm...I don't know." I responded while fixing my shirt. "Oh my gosh. Sapphire made you soft didn't she?" "No! Hell fucking no. I'm just as badass as I was before we started dating." I responded. How dare she call me soft. Harry Styles is not soft. "You want to know what I think we should do? Nothing. Niall will never want you okay Tori. Get over him. Sapphire and Niall obviously aren't going to last and she'll be back in my arms in no time." I said getting up. "Harry, You and I both know that they'll never break up. They're both head over heels in love with each other. Niall wouldn't let that girl's foot touch the ground. Hell, they might even get married soon since this is our last year at school. Think of it Harry." She is making sense. "If you leave now, you'll never be with her. And you know she's the only girl that made you like this. Soft. You love her. And I know you're not willing to let her go." She said mischievously as she held on to my shoulder. Even though I was facing the other way, I could see her evil smirk. It's actually quite scary how true everything she just said is. "Keep talking."

Sapphire's P.O.V.

"So how's everyone doing?" Mrs. Styles asked as we sat down on the couch. "Fine." I replied blankly, and rather rudely. It's already 6. They spent the whole fucking time roaming around the fucking house showing off and talking about boring shit. I have a date. If I stay here for one more minute, I swear i'm legit going to start crying and begging my mommy to leave like a damn five year old. "Great. Where's Harry?" my mom asked. Who cares anyway. "He should be home soon. You're welcome to go upstairs and wait for him since you won't want to listen to us." she said guesturing to the stairs. "Upstairs? To Harry's room?" "Yeah sure. It's not like anyhing's going to happen up there between you two when he gets there. I know you two are dating but you're responsible enough." She said while smiling. I guess he forgot to tell her that we broke up. "Uhm.....We're not dating anymore." I said shyly. Maybe I should've just let him tell her. "Oh. Uhh Wow. I guess he forgot to mention it. I mean all he ever did was talk about you. Sapphire this. Sapphire that. If I didn't know you guys were broken up i'd say he was totally whipped." "Yeah? But we're still friend though. So I guess that's normal; and, it's a plus. Anyway I think i'm going to take that offer and head upstairs now. My battery's about to die." I said heading up the stairs. How could he have 'forgotten' to tell her that we broke up?

I got to Harry's room and turned the knob. I knew it was his room from the night of the party. Ah good times. I stepped inside and it was not like your typical boy's bedroom. It's huge obviously, but it's also really neat and organized. I proceded to look for a plug to charge my phone, When I got a big surprise. "Sapphire?" Harry said with his deep sexy voice while entering his room, but he stopped in the doorway when he saw me. What am I suppose to do now? "Uhh...I was just looking for a charger." I said akwardly. "Okay? There's one next to the computer desk." he said while taking a seat on his bed. After I successfully plugged it in, I just stood there akwardly. "You can sit down you know. I don't bite. And it doesn't look like your mum wants to leave any time soon." he said while patting a spot next to him on his bed. "Sure.' I said sitting next to him. "So...How's life with Niall?" he asked out of nowhere. "Good. Really good. Great actually." "Yeah? Has he given you a promise ring yet?" he asked sarcastically. "Look Harry. Niall and I are doing just fine okay. Why can't you just accept the fact that i'm happy? Just let me go already." I said softly. "Sapphire look into my eyes, and tell me you don't love me. Tell me; and mean it." he said touching my hand. Shit. "..............." I couldn't. "That's what I thought. Look Sapph, I get it. You want to be with him now. I obviously still like you but if you're with him I guess I have to accept it, for now." he said genuinely. Wow. This is great and really wierd. Why can't Harry and I just have a normal friendship, like me and Liam or someone . "Really?" I asked with a tiny hint of blush creeping onto my cheeks. "Yep. But you know....I can always kick his ass if you-" he said smiling. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind Harry." I said befor he could finish his sentence. "Sapph!" my mom called. YES! Finally. This gives me about 10 minutes to get dressed when we get home. "Bye Harry." I said while getting up. "Bye Sapphire. Enjoy your date." he said smirking. "How did yo-" "Just a hunch." he said. I stopped and stared at him suspiciously. ".....Cute. I gotta go. See you later Haz." "Later Sapph." he said winking at me as I closed the door to his room and went downstairs. Date with my boyfriend, Here I come! :D

Harry's P.O.V.

I just sat there watching as she got up and left. Her ass looks fucking perfect in those shorts. Ugh. Stupid ass Niall gets to tap that any time he wants. Dammit I wish it were me. About 5 minutes after she left I heard a buzz. Fuck. She forgot her phone. I got up and went to unplug it when the message popped up on the screen. It's from Niall. The name on the screen said babe <3, but the icon was a picture of him so I knew it was Niall. 'Hey Sapph. Should I come pick you up now or what?' it read. Should I take it to her or do what the real me would? Hmmm. Let's have a bit of fun with this shall we. 'Hey babe.......................

Hey guys! Okay so there's something huge abou to happen between everyone so stick around. As always, let me know what you guys think and what you wanna see happen. Luv all of you lots. Stay beautiful. :)

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