A Different Kind of Party

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Sapphire's P.O.V.

FML. I fucking hate life! I fucking hate every damn thing on this stupid Earth. Fuck love. Fuck happiness. Fuck Harry Styles! Actually, no. That's what got me here in the first place. Life just isn't fair. I wish I were a little girl again because a skinned knee is easier to fix than a broken heart.

I've been in this exact same spot for every single second since I've come home. I slept in this position. I cried in this position and I think I'm going to die in this position because I am not getting up for the world. Nope. Nothing can get my lazy ass off of this couch. Nothing on Earth. 'Ding' The door bell! Maybe it's him! After all the texts and voicemails, he's finally come to his damn senses. Yes! I know it's him. Our love  is way too strong for all this bullshit. True love overcomes all. He came back. Those were all thoughts running through my mind as I sped over to the door in my disgusting state. While attempting to imitate speedy gonzales, I forgot that the coffee table had a slight dent after the glass had cracked from who knows what. My knee gently grazed over it resulting in a small but painfully sharp gush of blood to trickle down slowly. I guess that's why they say heartbreak is just like broken glass. It's better to leave it broken than to hurt yourself trying to fix it. Who gives a fuck. As my had contacted and twisted the knob, I felt all the life suck right back into me. I'm ready. I'm not going to fuck it up this time. 

"Go away." I spat coldly as I slammed the door in his face and limped my way back to the couch. He opened the door and made his way inside without my approval. I sighed loudly. "Some people just don't get the memo do they?" I said sarcastically as I plopped back onto the couch. "Yeah they do. But they just don't care and choose to to listen." he responded while sitting on the loveseat across from me. "It's considered rude to barge in you know." I stated with pure venom embedding every inch of my tone. I'm gonna be bitter like this for the rest of my life; and grow old. With one kid and cats. At least I won't be lonely. "I didn't barge. I knocked first, then I barged." he said with a genuine smile. Why is he so cheery. Today of all other days. It makes me jealous that I can't be like that. Life sucks. It's making me sick. I hate it. "Whatever. Just leave me the fuck alone." I said as I got back to my previous position, while slightly extending my leg so that the redness would seize slightly. "I can't do that. It'd make me a horrible person-" "Who cares! Maybe we need some horribility in the world sometimes! You don't always have to be nice." I cut him off, arguing. In reality I kind of wanted him to be a horrible person, just so that I wouldn't be alone. "As I was saying," he continued. "I'd be a horrible person. And I bet it's just your hormones doing the talking now." I stared at him blankly, not knowing how to respond. "By the way, horribility isn't a word." he said while placing his hand on my shoulder. "Get the fuck off of me." I said through gritted teeth. He instantly pulled back his hand and placed it on his thigh. "What happened?" he said motioning toward my fresh cut. "I'm not in the mood for talking okay so can you please just, leave. Please?" I begged. But if I know even a little about Liam Payne, he is the most persistent human being on the planet. He's not leaving until he's accomplished what he came to do.

"Nope." he stated simply. "Not until you listen to everything I have to say." Oh great. Here we go. Story time with Liam. Yet another boring ass lecture. "Ugh fine. What do you feel the need to tell me during this ever so gracious period of time?" I gave up. I just realized that I can always tune him out. But it won't work forever. I'll eventually actually start hearing what he's saying.

"First thing's first," he started. He then reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled it out. The reminder of sin. He extended his hand so that I could 'willingly' take it, that backfired on him. "Get that shit away from me." I said while crossing my arms over my chest and turning my head away from sight of him. "It's yours Sapphire." he said softly, while scooting closer to me so that the ring was closer to my arm. "I don't want it." Lies. Of course I want it. It's my...well, it was my ring. I don't deserve it. "Would you like it if it actually wasn't yours and someone else's. Some one like...hmm, I don't know, Tori?" he responded, paying close attention to my spiteful facial reaction. "Fuck no." I muttered softly. "But it doesn't matter now. I fucked everything up. I don't deserve that ring. I don't deserve anything to remind me of how much Niall loved me." I said, for the billionth time today, tears continued rolling down my cheeks. I can't even see straight. My whole life right now is a big blob of a mess. "Loves. He loves you. I know it." he tried assuring me. Yet another failed attempt. "Sapph, I know you don't want to talk but, can I ask?" he asked nervously. Good. He knows my life is fucked up so he wants to pick just the right words. Try not to trigger anything. Smart boy. I wish I was that good with words. I won't even bother saying "ask what?" because obviously he's freaking asking who the father of my unborn child is. He probably thinks I'm a slut. My parents too. Even Obama and the Queen probably think that I'm a worthless slutty piece of shit.
  "Harry." I said with my face burried into a cushion on the couch on purpose. I could feel a powerful burning sensation in the pit of my stomach. Not the good on. I felt like throwing up but I tried my best to keep it in. "Who?" he asked. Ugh! Connect the dots would ya. I've literally only been with two people in the last few months, and if it's not Niall then fucking duh it's Harry. "I'll text it to you since you seem to have forgotten your brain wherever you came from." I said, while taking my phone off from the ground where it laid from the night before. He stared at me wide eyed. "I thought you would have smashed it into a wall or something." he said, followed by a fit of giggles. I literally have no emotional senses right now so my face is just straight and covered in tears. "I'm not that destructive." I defended myself. "Yeah maybe, but Niall is. I wouldn't be surprised if he tore that guy apart." Ha. Doubt it.
  My stomach clenched as soon as he read the text. His face dropped and I tried reading his face but it was almost like a giant blank book. "Harry?" he asked. His face was struck with fear. Fear for Harry I'm assuming. "Niall is going to kill him. I'm not just saying that Sapphire. You have to do something Sapphire." "Me?! Niall doesn't care about me anymore. Why should he do that when he was the one who fucking left me on the ground crying." Here come the waterworks. "Think of it this way, if Niall had cheated on you and got Tori pregnant what would be your reaction when he first told you?" he asked. I guess he's playing counselor today. "In all honesty, I'd want to rip off his fucking balls and make sure he can't have any more kids." I said as I processed the images of Niall, Tori and a baby. "Okay...a little less violent." "I guess...I'd be upset." I shrugged. "A little more detailed but not too...horrible." he said and slightly smiled. "I'd cry. I'd scream a-and wish I could undo it. Or I'd want to throw Tori off of a cliff." I said truthfully. "Okay and what would be your reaction after he told you?" I hope he's ready for my honest answer. "I'd go find that fucking bitch and force her stupid ass to get a damn abortion that's what I'd do." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. He was now laughing uncontrollably but I'm not kidding. That's exactly what I'd do. Or worst. "Remember when you didn't like Niall?" he asked after his laugh tremor. "Yeah." "Who did you have a crush on at that time?" he asked as if I'm a little five year old. I'm tired of people treating me like a fucking baby. And it doesn't help that I'm about to have one either. Oh well. We are making progress. "Harry." "Exactly." he said while pulling my hand and placing the ring in it. He got up and began heading for the door. "Your mind and body react a certain way to certain people." he said as he closed the door behind him. What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

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