Friendlier than friends

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 Sapphire's P.O.V

 As I exited the room, all I could think of was how fucking stupid  I am, to ruin that perfect moment. All I could think about was Harry. Probably still making out with with that slut. Being there with Niall made me feel excited, Nervous, and ecstatic all at once; but I just couldn't. "Hey guys." I said as I cheerfully skipped back to the group. Niall following close behind. "Seems like someone got some kissy kissy action going on in there." Louis said. "Yep" I said smoothly and Niall smiled. "Where's Harry?" I asked. "Looking for Harry already? I guess Niall wasn't as good a kisser as he thought." Liam said. "Shut the fuck up Liam." Niall snapped. "He's over there." Zayn pointed me to Harry standing next to a group of girls, talking to someone on his phone. I got up and walked over to him. "Hey." I said. "Hey." he responded looking sort of worried. "What's up?" I asked slightly yelling because of the blasting music. " parents are on their way home, so......this party might just be over in like...fifty seconds. he said. "What? They didn't know?" "Fuck no. Why do you think i'm known for being the bad ass?" he asked smilling. "Uhm....." "It doesn't even really matter anyway. I don't really give a shit what they say." he said. "What if they freak out or something?" "Trust me, they won't." he said reassuringly. "Okay, so back to partying?" I asked. "Hell Yeah!"

After about twenty minutes, his parents, and stepdad, came in and the thing is, they didn't really even flinch. His mom just went up to her room and his stepdad was already drunk and partying. Jumping on the tables and what not. 

The party went on for about four hours after they came in. It ended at about three in the morning and it was just us five left. Me, Harry, Niall,Zayn, and Kacey. "Okay, so i'm going now, because, well, everyone's gone." I stated. "Is anyone picking you up?" Niall asked. "I think i'm just going to call and see if anyone's awake at my house." i responded. The phone rang for about fifteen seconds before it went to voicemail. "Nope. I don't think anyone's  awake." I said with a full on annoyed tone. They know damn right that they have to pick me up. Freaking morons. "I could--" Niall started, but was cut off by harry. "No. It's okay Niall. Your mum's might be starting to worry. I'll take Sapph home." Harry said. Niall just stood there like he was about to punch Harry in his face. I knew he was about to say something. And if I know Niall, it's not something nice. "Niall! no. " I said before he could say anything. "Yes mum." he said with a cute smile. "So shall we get going Mrs. Sertori?" Harry asked like a pure gentleman, while joining our arms together. "Yes, we shall Mr. Styles." I said, accepting the invitation. "Bye Niall." I said while walking to Harry's car. "Bye Sapph." He said. "Bye Niall." Harry said waving as we entered the car and closed the doors. Niall waved and got into his car with his eyes on us the entire time.

"Well....ready?" "Ready." I responded barely audible since I was partialy hypnotized by his gorgeous emarald eyes. With that, we drove off into the moonlight. "Should I turn the radio on?" he asked slightly looking at me. "Well duhh....we don't want it to be akward do we?" "And why would it be akward?" he asked with his signature smirk. "Well. I mean, you're driving which means we can't talk much because an accident could happen." I responded logically. "What kind of 'accident'?" he asked clearly amused. "Like a car accident, or.....I don't know. Just an accident okay." I said smilling, clearly defeated by my loss for words." You think too much." he said taking my hand hand in his, eyes still locked on mine. "And you, flirt to much." I responded. "And you don't like it?" he asked teasing me. "I never said that." I said smiling. "I know you love it." he said , (not smart ass or cocky) confidently. Sexy confidence. #Turnon. Hell yeah. I couldn't help it but smile. We continued driving until he spoke up. "Remember when we went to the fair?" he asked. How could i ever forget. "Yeah, that was one of the best dates I have ever been on." "Ditto. We should really do it again.....soon." he said, turning the corner, pulling up to my house. "What exactly are you getting at here Styles?" I asked, hoping and praying that what i was thinking was right. "Well...I really like you Sapph, and I know that you think i'm a huge player, but i'm not that bad." he said genuinely. He really didn't even have to give a speach. I would say yes to him in an instant.
"I don't think you're a player. I know you are."  I said jokingly. "I am offended." he fake gasped. "I'm just kidding. I know what you're saying, but I want you to ask first." "Okay, Sapphire Hazel Sertori, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked looking at me with glimmering hopefull eyes. "Uhm...I uh....I have to think about it first." I said. His smile instantly dropped. "Okay, sure." he said, his voice cracking at the end. Aww. He's so fucking cute. "I'm just kidding! Do you think i'm freaking stupid?!" "Phew, you had me really nervous there. Not many girls make me nervous." he said. "Well, glad to know i'm one of them." I responded hapily. "So, Yes?" he asked. "Yes to what?" "To being my girlfriend silly. I guess i make you nervous too huh." he said. "Oh you have no idea." I said with a slight giggle at the end. "So...." "Yes" I said confidently with a bright smile. "Well, you made me ask properly so now it's the same for your answer." he said interlocking our fingers together. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." I said with a tiny hint of attitude. " You are so cheesy by the way." I added. "I know. But you love it." he said cheekily. "I know. but i really have to get out and get inside now." "Okay. Can I get a kiss first?" he pleaded with puppy eyes. "Aww."  I said while leaning in until our lips were almost touching. "Sorry, I don't kiss on the first date." I whispered seductively against his lips. His eyes quickly shot open. "You are so getting it now." he said while I quickly got out and stood outside. "Oooo, i'm soooo scared." I teased, full of sarcasm. "You should be babe." he said. OH MY GOSH! he called me babe! At that moment, my brain turned to spagetti, my stomach was packed with butterflies, my heart rate went up by a hundred and my eyes lit up like a kid in a candy shop. "Hehehe" I laughed nervousyly. "Even your fake laugh is cute." he said. He called me cute. laugh...but same difference. "Thanks...I have to go now, but i'll text you later..babe." I said, sending a wink his way. "Sure." he said starting the car. "bye babe." he shouted as he drove off. This is definitely going to be a hell of an interesting relationship.

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