Fight for a boy

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Niall's P.O.V.

Shit. "Tori, hi" I said with no emotion and annoyance written all over my face and in my voice. "Hey Ni. Wattcha doing?" she said, twirling her hair in her fingers and fluttering her eyelashes, trying to be cute.With Sapphire, it's just natural cuteness, not forced and fake. "Watching a tv. Why'd you ask? Is something wrong with Sapphire?" I said begginig to worry. "Calm down," she said pushing past my hand to get inside. Rude ass slut. "Nothing's wrong with Sapphire-" "Then why are you here?" I asked not wanting to put up with more of her drama. I do have to admit, she does look pretty hot today. Not slutty hot. It's just that.....she looks lie an actual human being. Not as hot as Sapphire though; That girl can give me a boner in 5.7 seconds by just staring at me or having the slightest skin contact with her. "I have to ask you something important-" "Well whatever it is, can it wait? I'm busy." I said going back to the couch to continue watching the movie. "I know you like Sapphire," she started. Okay yeah. Tell me something I don't know. "Love." I corrected her. "Right. I know you love Sapphire, but almost half of the girls in the school love you, including me; and some of them are starting to wonder if you're gay or something, because clearly i'm- I mean we're way hotter than she is-"before she could finish, I cut her off. "First of all, you are not hotter than she is, you're just sluttier. In fact, not sluttier because she isn't slutty at all. Second, I couldn't care less if you think i'm gay or not just because I don't want any of you; and third, you are such a-" "Blah blah blah. Bad friend, i've heard it about-" "No. You're not just a bad friend, you're a bitch." I said telling her the truth. I'm pretty sure she already knows she is because everyone in school says it on a daily basis. "I may be a bitch, but I am not a bad friend. Sapphire is my bestfriend. She's like a sister to me. I just...want you to notice me." Great. Now I feel bad. "I do notice you. I just, i'm....." "In love with Sapphire." she said turning to face me. "You should really give dating someone else a try. To forget about it. She has a boyfriend, plus you'd make her so jealous." she said smirking when she said the last part.I was still going to tell her to fuck off until she said it.That sneaky ass bitch. know...she might have a point there. Maybe Sapphire will finally give Harry up and realise that we're made for each other. "Okay." I said plainly. "Okay?! Okay? Are you fucking kidding me?! That's all I had to do all this fucking time?" "Uhm. I guess. But don't get your hopes up." I said hopefully popping whatever bubble she had created. "Sure...but just to make sure, Can I officially call you my boyfriend now?" "Yes but-" before I could finish, she forcefully pressed her lips against mine. Maybe I just made the biggest fucking mistake of my life. I pulled back instantly. "Look, I don't want this to go to your head or anything, remember, my heart belongs to Sapphire. It always will." I said moving an inch away from her. "Whatever. Anyway it's getting late now and I have homework that i'm not going to do so...later babe." she said as she blew me a kiss and headed out the door. I just got myself into some deep shit.

*Monday Morning*

Sapphire's P.O.V.

I think today's the only day i'm actually excited to go to school. I already ate, took a shower, and got dressed. All I need to do now, is go to school. I only hope my dad isn't running late again. "Are you ready Sapph?" my dad asked as I picked up mt bag and phone off of the table. "Yep. Let's go" I said skipping to the car. "Someone's happy" my mom said as I got into the backseat. "What are you taling about. I'm always like this. Nothing unusual." I smirked. "Uh huh. I totally believe you." she said sarcastically. "Whatever. Can we just go now?" I asked eagerly. "Let's go then." my dad said starting the car and driving me to school.

The whole ride was spent with my mom and dad talking about things that wouldn't interest me in any way possible. "Bye mom. Bye dad." I said hopping out of the car and heading toward the courtyard. As I was waling through the feild where all the cheerleaders and football players exersice, I saw Harry get out of his car which was parked in the middle of the court yard, where most of the teachers' cars were parked. I slowly walk up behind him where he was standing next to his car, and covered his eyes with my hands. "Guess who." I said in an annoyingly high pitched voice. "Is it...Liam? No...uhh. Give me a hint." he said pretending not to know it was me. "You don't know?" I asked loosening my grip. "How could I not recognize your beautiful voice." he said turning around to face me. "Aww sweet." I said leaning in to give him a quick kiss before class started. However, that highly escalated quite qickly. He pushed me up against the hood of the car as we continued basically trying to guess what each other had for breakfast. "Harry, my skirt is really short." I said as I attempted to break the kiss. Now everyone in the front of the school was definitely looking at us. I'm probably going to get alot of sh*t from all the girls that are in love with Harry after this. "It doesn't matter. This is us going public. Literally." he smirked against my lips as I wrapped my hands around his neck for support. "Okay but I have to put my books in my locker. So, later okay?" I said as he frowned. "Promise?" he asked. "I promise i'll definitely make up for it." I winked and jumped down. "See you later babe." he shouted as I started walking away. I turned around and blew a kiss to him then continued heading toward my locker.

As I approached my locker, I saw Tori at her locker, talking to someone, but I couldn't make out who it was. I squinted to try to get a better look, I could now see clearly. It was Niall. And they were talking and laughing together. What the fuck. Sice when? He hates her. least that's what I thought. I turned around and packed my books into my locker properly and well organized. Yeah. I'm a neat freak. My mom says I hav OCD because everything unorganized or misplaced makes me cringe. I guess my OCD stands for obssessive cleaning disorder.

As I turned around to get to class since the bell just rang, I saw Tori and Niall hugging...for more time than they should have been. I have no idea what's going on but i'm sure as fuck going to find out. Not from Niall though because apparently i'm still not talking to him. So, i'm going to have to pry the answer from Tori, wether she likes it or not.

Finally! They stopped hugging and Niall turned around and walked over to him as they started walking to class together. I ran up to Tori before she stepped away from her locker. She turned around to face me, and the smile she had from that Horan hug turned into a straight, blank face. "Oh. It's you." she said. "What the fuck was that?" "What was what?" she asked like a dumb bimbo. "You and Niall being all huggy and smiley together. No offense Tori but, he doesn't like you. At all. Why are you acting like you're in a lovey dovey land?" I asked. Even though I said no offense, I totally meant to offend her. "Who says we're not?" she asked smirking. Is this a fucking joke? If i'm dreaming, please pinch me now before I slap this b*tch. "And why are bugging? I'm with Niall. You're with Harry. Kacey's with Zayn. We can all finally all have boyfriends and go on tripple dates and....yeah" she said acting like everrything's fine. Can't she tell i'm fucking pissed. I'm pretty sure my face is saying it all. She probably loves this right now. And why am I acting like this anyway? "Uhhhh...I'd rather not." I snapped. "Why are you even acting like this? You don't even like Niall anyway." Oh shit. How do I respond to that? "That's beside the point-" "Then what's the point Sapphire? You have your boyfriend, why can't I have Niall?" she asked genuinely. Ugh. This conversation is so not getting anywhere. "Because, I know you Tori. All you're going to do, is corrupt his sweet little mind." "Who says he doesn't want me too?" she said turning around walking away. That little bitch. How dare she.

I got to class and sat down in my assigned seat. Niall and Liam were already there. Liam smiled at me sweetly so I returned the gesture. I turned my head toward Niall to see if he was looking at me. Obviously, he was. He smiled at me and waved. Nope. Not just yet Horan. I turned my head back to the front and ignored him. Can this day start over? Is it too late to change my mind?

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