Only A Shot Of Vodka/ Picture Frame

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"Hey, Tori." she said dimly as I approached her. She didn't sound rude, as she would normally be around me. But, she sounded weak almost. "Hey. Why so dim?" I asked trying my best to sound as if I actually gave a shit. "What do you mean?" she asked completely unaware of the lack of color on her face. It's like she was completely drained out. She looks so pale. "You're not" I said motioning to her. "You're not acting like yourself." "Well, I do kind of feel tired. Maybe I should head upstai-" "No!" I shouted, pushing her back on to the chair at the bar, before she attempted to leave. "Stay. This is your engagement party isn't it?" ".....I guess." she replied nervously. "Well, then....Make the most of it. I have something that'll make you feel lively again." I said with the brightest yet most devious smile ever. "What?" "This." I said as I handed her my drink. She brought the glass up to her nose. "No thanks." she said rolling her eyes as she slid the glass on the bar countertop over to me. "C'mon Sapphire. It's only a shot of vodka." I said trying my best not to smirk, but failing horendously. "Fine. But only so I can feel a little better." she said, taking the glass from my hand and downing the entire shot. "You go girl. Feel any better?" I asked handing the now empty glass to the bartender. "A little." she said with a smile. First step to plan, divide and conquer.

"So.....what happened with you and Kacey?" I asked trying to create meaningless small talk. "Oh you saw that?" she asked giggling. I guess the alcohol is beggining to settle. "Well, basically, what happened was; she was like saying that Niall wanted to propose to you instead of me and shit. So, I got annoyed because I mean come on. Niall hates you," she said laughing. I wanted to fucking slap that bitch when she said that. That is a load of bullshit. He does not hate me. He loves me. "Right." I said giving a slight giggle. Don't worry Sapphire, or should I say, Sapphiwhore. Payback is just like you. A bitch. "Anyway, I told her that Zayn; Wait, you know my cousin Zayn right?" she asked. That is the world's fucking dumbest question ever. Of course I know Zayn. Wow, she's fucking stupid when she's drunk. "Yes, I know him." "Well, I told Kacey that he'd never want to propose to her so she got upset and now.....I'm here with Satan. That's you by the way." she grinned, grabbing my arm and running toward the dance floor. This chick is going to make Niall's life a living hell. My plan has to work.

Niall's P.O.V.

Finally. I'm done with half of my grad files. I've typed 3000 words already. Only 5000 more to go. Maybe I should give Sapph a call to see what she's doing...Nahh. It'll just make me feel bad that she's out having a blast with Kacey and Liam and Zayn. And...hopefully not Harry. I trust my baby though. And I hope she doesn't feel intimidated by Tori. I swear, if she even tries to lay a finger on Sapphire, if she even dares to cough in her direction, I'll be just a phone call away from, well I can't really do much since I'd never hit a girl, but I know Sapphire's personality and trust me when I say this. She can stand up for herself. Unlike half of the girls I went out with before.

*Back to Tori's P.O.V.*

"Take me to my room now." she said giggling uncontrolably. Typical church girls. They have one shot of vodka and they're already wasted as fuck. "Fine." I said tired of spending time with her.

"Wheeee!" she said as we stepped into the hallway. "That was crazy fun. But i'm quite dizzy....I feel, FUN!" she shouted and skipped down the hall. "F is for friends who do stuff together! U is for you and me! N is for a-" "Shut up!" I seriously couldn't take it any longer. "Yo, get over here." I said as I stood infront of his door. "This isn't my room you crazy girly." she said softly. Gosh. What a dumb blonde she is. When she's drunk that is. "Yes it is silly." I said, trying to fake being the 'silly drunk.' There are 5 types of drunks. The funny/silly drunk, the horny drunk, the suicidal drunk, the depressed drunk and the angry-fucked up drunk. I guess she's the new 'annoying drunk' Everything she does annoys the fuck out of me. Seriously though. How does Niall put up with her shit. That boy literally worships the ground she walks on. He's so sweet. And amazing. And extremely sexy, he's basically all a girl needs. All I need. Anyway, I opened the door and gave her a little push so that she'd be inside the room. "Aren't you gonna stay with with me?" she asked as she took her shoes off. "Nope. You'll be fine. You've got company." I said as I shut the door and got back on the elevator. "Now to go find my price. Or possibly just go back to the club and have a random fuckboy by me drinks. Or you know.....whatever. ;)

Harry's P.O.V.

"Sapphire?" I questioned. I had just got out off the bathroom since I just brushed my teeth and took off my shirt to get ready for bed. She was trying to unzip that tight ass dress of hers. "Can you please help me with this?" she asked in a high pitched voice. Her back was currently turned toward me but as she turned around,her smile extended. "You're not Niall." she said coming closer to me. I could feel my heartbeat quicken and sweat dripping down my face. No girl has ever had this effect on me. I make girls nervous. I don't know whether to be scared or excited. I should probably take my chances. But, this might completely end our friendship and I know that Niall will murder me. And Sapphire would hate me with all her heart. Should I take the risk? Either way, I am loving ever second of this.

Sapphire's P.O.V.

The sun shone through the windows, hitting the white comforter I was under. Wait- the fuck? White comforter? Mine and Niall's comforters are a soft shade of mint. FUCK!

My mind instantly rewinded to what happened last night. Well, from what I remember, I had a fight with Kacey, Tori came over, and now i'm in Harry's bed. He looks so peaceful and angelic, sleeping. Lies! Peaceful and angelic my ass. Shit! I slept with him. And not just, slept over; but slept with him. As in, I am naked under these covers right now. I can not believe this. Niall is probably going crazy wondering where I am right now. I fucked up. Big time. I have an amazing fiance that loves me so fucking much and I am crazy for him, yet still, What do I do? I have sex with his sort of bestfriend. It's all Tori's fault. I am going to murder that bitch.

The sunlight shone on my ring making the glare blaze into my eyes. I feel like shit. Harry still asleep. Good. I looked up on the night stand where the lamp was and saw a picture frame, consisting of the very first Happhire picture. It was at the carnival on our first date. We were eating cotton candy and a guy offered to take a picture since he thought we looked cute together. I'll never forget that day. I felt tears easing their way down my cheeks. Biggest and worst mistake ever. I think I just ruined my life.

Hey guys! So.....Sapphire's apparently the new, annoying drunk. If you had to be drunk, what drunk would you be out of the five options? As always, tell me what you think and what you want to see happen and stay beautiful. And I just wanted to thank you guys for 5.39k reads. It means so much to me. If you like Happy Mistakes, be sure to spread the word and tell your friends or whoever and help me get more reads. Possibly 5.99k or even better, 6k by my birthday. March 31st. Thanks guys.

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