Connect the dots

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Niall's P.O.V.

"Well...I...uhm...Harry and I are kind of.." "Together?" I asked hoping and praying what I had in mind was completely out of the way. "Yeah" Fuck. "Cool" was all I could say because if I said anything else it would probably be something like 'I don't give a fuck' or something close to it to hide the way I really felt. I always try to cover up my true emotions with words of hatred, but I could never do that with Sapphire. "So......" she said trying to get more out of me. "I'm really happy for you guys." I said with the fakest smile I could ever pull. I actually hated the fact that they were together now. I always knew she liked him but, I hoped she wouldn't say yes to him. I can always fake being happy for them, but unless it's me with Sapphire; I will never trully be happy. He probably gave her the,' oh i'm not really a player I just act like that sometimes' speech. Which is a load of bullshit. He tells every girl that whenever he wants to go out with them. "Yaay! It's all happy and good now." she said like an adorable five year old. "Haha. Are you ready to go now?" "Oh yeah! The park. Let's go." she said obviously forgetting about what she was wearing. "Uhm Sapph, I think you might want to change first." She looked down at her cute pj's. "Shit. Be right back." She said as she ran up the stairs to go change her clothes. I got so turned on when she cussed. I don't know why but I find it extremely sexy whenever a girl cusses. Not going overboard though. Or is it just Sapphire. Yeah. It's just Sapphire. She came down stairs in a beautiful Short bright pink skater dress with the back cut out in a heart shape. It hugged her curves perfectly. "Woah" I said almost drooling.I couldn't stop staring. "Is it too much?" she asked observing how short it was. "Nope" was the only thing I could say. "Are you ready now?" "Uh huh" I said staring at her beautiful body. I really need to stop. "Well let's go." she said heading to the door. I just stood there staring even more. "Are you coming?" she asked with a sexy smirk. "Yeah." I said running up to her, closing the door behind us.

*Skipping the oh so Unromantic walk to the park*

Sapphire's P.O.V.

As we entered the park, all I could think about was the fresh air coming directly to me. The very sight is just so peaceful. Children playing in the sprinklers. Couples having picnics. Dogs running around trying to catch their own tails. As idiotic as it may seem, it's actually really calming and cool watching them. And, to top it off, one of my closest friends right by my side. Yep. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Where should we sit?" I was taken off guard when he asked, day dreaming of me probably somewhere far away in my own world. " about over there on the grass, close to the fountain?" I said admiring the breathtaking area that I picked out. Shady, cool, and beautiful. Absolutely spectacular. "You sure? You don't mind getting wet?" he asked smiling at me as we walked over to the spot. "Oh live a little Ni" I said putting the blankets down onto the grass. "Pfft. Says you." he said while we both sat down. "And what is that suppose to mean Horan?" I asked. " Oh Nothing." he said with a smirk, urging me to find out more. "Tell me...or else." "Or else what?" he asked nudging my shoulder. "Or else.....Ugh. I got nothing. Please just tell me." I asked breaking out my famous puppy dog eyes. No one can resist them. "Okay i'll tell you." he said giving up after about three seconds of looking directly into my eyes. "I just meant that you don't really take that many risks." he said 'as a matter of factly.' "I do take risks!" I argued. "Really? Then I dare you to jump into the fountain. Unless you're scared of—-" he said stopping as soon as I got up and started walking toward the fountain. "I was joking!" he said as he ran up to me. I just ignored him and started stripping my dress off. I had some shorts and a tank top on underneath to go into the sprinklers anyway. "Woah." he said as he observed me from head to toe. All I can see right now is. a darker shade of blue in his eyes and his breathing hitched. Uhhh. "What? You said I don't take risks, so I'm going to prove you wrong." I said. Nothing. He was just staring at me blankly. "Niall!" I said in a louder tone trying to get his attention. It must have worked because his head shot up when I said that. "Sapph. Stop I was just kidding. You do take risks. You took the risk of dating Harry." he said, mumbling the last part. ".....I'm still jumping in." I said after a while, as I climbed the fountain and pretended as if I was about to jump in. ''No! Sapph you'll get hurt." he said. Uh oh. I started to loose balance and as soon as I was about to fall in, he jumped ontop of the fountain and grabbed me. Thank Goodness. He got us both back onto the grass. "My hero." I said out of breath. "I told you to get down." he said smiling. "Really?" I said sounding annoyed but not really. "Is this really the time to be repremanding me?" I said with a slight attitude, but smirking the entire time. "Feisty much?" he laughed. "Oh shut up." " about the sprinklers now? Since you're already changed for that." he said observing the fact, once again, that I am wearing a swimsuit. "Lets go then." I said cheerfully. Running into the sprinklers where all of the little children were getting soaked. I ran in and then ran right back out. "It's cold." I said shivering a bit. "Aww come on, live a little." he said intentionally mocking me and picking me up bridal style and walking into the cold sprinklers. "Niall! Stop! I'm serious. Put me down!" I screamed as he brought me into the sprinklers and stood directly in the middle where all the water was coming from. "Oh My Gosh!" I screamed as the freezing cold water splashed up and got me soaked and frozen. Not literally though. "Oh fuck." he said putting me down and running to the side. "What's wrong? Too cold for you?" I said teasing him. "No. My shirt." he said lifting his shirt over his head. Fuck this boy is gorgeous. His body is freaking perfect. Made by an angel I guess. The things that are going through my mind right now- wait. No. I have a boyfriend. Dammit. "What?" he asked noticing the way I was staring at him. "Come back into the water." I said with a giggle at the end. "Okay." he said running toward me. "Lets have some fun!" he shouted as we continued our fun together.

Niall's P.O.V.

After about fifteen minutes we were still in the sprinklers having fun with the little kids that were there. Sapphire was playing with a little girl. They looked so cute together. She would make the perfect mum. Only if it's my baby she would be perfect. Not Harry's. Just thinking about Harry and Sapphire being together gets me so freaking upset. Oh great. I fueled my own anger. I just turned around and left Sapphire playing with her new friend. I just kept on walking until I saw a huge pond. I walked around it and then sat next to it after a while. I know I said I'd be Happy for her but I just can't force myself to lie. My brain says I am, yet still everything else just wants me to punch Harry in his fucking perfect face. As I sat there throwing rocks into the pond; I heard a noise like someone was coming toward me. Shit. So much for that. "Hi." a sweet voice said, standing next to where I was sitting. That sweet voice I love so much. "Hey." I said as she sat down next to me on the grass next to the pond. She had changed back into her dress. "What's wrong?" She asked staring into my eyes, hoping to find the answer to the question. "Nothing." I said but it was obvious that she didn't believe me.She is one of the smartest girls I know. I'm pretty sure she can see through the cracks. "Yeah right." she said picking up a rock and throwing it into the pond. After a few seconds of silence she spoke up again. "I thought you said you weren't mad." She said quietly. No no no no no. Please don't get me to admit it. "I'm not. I already told you I'm happy for you guys." "Well you sure have a weird way of showing it." she said obviously getting annoyed. "Look Sapph. I just don't want you to get hurt." I said trying to disguise my anger toward Harry right now. Honestly, they aren't even cute together. Their ship name isn't even as cool as ours. Happhire VS Sapphiall. Well.....even though it sounds like shit, we would look so perfect together. "Why would I get hurt? Harry is not the player everyone makes him out to be." she said getting more annoyed than before. The last thing I want is for her to get upset with me. "Ohhh. He gave you the lame ass speech." I said instantly rethinking my choice of words. "What speech?" "Every time he wants a girl to go out with him, he usually just says that the whole player thing isn't completely true and he actually likes you for real and blah blah blah. Which is a load of bullshit." Why do I have such a huge mouth. Stop talking now. "Oh so you're saying nobody would actually like me? Wow thanks Ni." She said clearly infuriated. "No! That's not what I-" Save it! You know what? I couldn't care less what you think. Harry and I are happy. I don't even know why you're acting like this!" She shouted getting up. "Like what Sapphire?!" I said, getting upset now. "Like a dick!" she said, her voice cracking like she was on the verge of tears. What the fuck is wrong with me?! Is this what jealousy does? I'm making the love of my life, my everything, cry just because i'm jealous. Gosh. I am a dick. "I don't know what got into you but I sure as hell hate it as fuck." She said grabbing her bag and leaving the park. UGGHHH!!!!! Nothing else could go wrong at this point. Oh great. Just when I though; it started raining down heavily. I don't even have the care to get up right now. I don't want to do anything but hold Sapphire in my arms and apologise a billion times. I shouldn't have snapped at her, even though she pushed me I would never blame her for anything. I just sat there in the rain. Everything on me was wet, but I didn't care. Perfect. Just when I thought nothing could be worst, someone across the park (on one of the sheltered benches) started playing a thousand years by Christina Peri (check it out if you haven't heard it yet :) ) I've been dropping the hints and trying to impress her.If only Sapphire would just give me the time of day and just, Connect the dots already.

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