Steal his girl

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Niall's P.O.V

*Next Day*

I woke up bright and early to rush to school to get all the details from harry and Sapphire. It'll be really hard contain my jealousy and not attach my fists to his fucking perfect face. I can't stand that he's the one she likes. I wonder if I started acting like him if she'd want me. Ehhh.........its worth a try. First I might try dropping some romantic hints. I heard girls love that mushy crap. I wouldn't really know because all of my so called "exgirlfriends" have just used me to get closer to Harry. and the ones that actually like me...I would never....ever even consider dating. They're all extremely H-O-T-T, and don't get me wrong, I love hot chicks but now.......I only have eyes for Sapphire.

Today's friday and as we know its the day harry has his annual secret party thing. The entire school is usually there downing drinks and playing stupid party games like.... Never have I ever and Truth or dare. I always end up having to play too hot with some dumb blonde chick or run around naked for 5 minutes.

Once i was dared to bite of my toe nails and you know..... being the king of the game, i'd never back down so yeah.

Sapphire's P.O.V

UHG! First period.....Spanish. Oh great. I can't stand Mrs. James! She a complete bitch. She must think she can contorl my brain because apparently i'm the one she considers her maid. She pushes everyone to their limit. I almost completey snapped but then she was like 'stop the rudeness idiot'. Oh yeah. I'm the idiot. Atleast I can spell my last name. Dumbass. Once she made get her a coffee in the middle of our exam. which obviously resulted in me failing the damn exam. I swear, I would legit poison the coffee if I had known I would have failed. But i'm a nice person. Damn you innocence!

My seat is at the back of the class, or should I say where all the action happens. We never pay attention. Always sharing snacks. Texting, drawing doodles of Mrs. James' fat head. Especially the two of us. Thats in my bio partner. Niall. We have so much fun talking and making up stupid jokes that we usually end up ending the class bearly due to our experiments blowing up.

As i'm walking to my seat, Niall already has a smile plastered to his face. He's always so happy. I just love that about him. He makes me smile sometimes. Not like Harry though. "Hey" I said trying not to start out on an akward note from the whole texting thing. "Hi" he replied. It's as if he does'nt even remember the convo. " was your date?" he asked. Oh crap. He remembers. "I tried telling you yesterday, but you didn't really seem into it" "I was just-----

Niall's P.O.V

"I was just----. "Okay, today's the day you learn how to make something new" Mrs. James walked into the class with no good morning as usual. "No shit ." Sapphire wishpered under her breath. I tried to contain my laugh but being the idiot I am, burst out my laughing, cause all heads to spin towards us. Why do i have such bad luck? "You two get out now! I have no tolerance for your relationship cute boyfriend girlfriend crap! Principal's office. NOW!" As soon as she said the last part I couldn't hepl but notice Sapphire's eyes go wide and cheeks reden. Mine were probably crimson red right now. We got up and went to the Principals office side by side. As we were walking I saw Harry standing by the fountain staring directly at us. "Where are you two going?" he asked curiously. "To the principal's office." I replied. "Care to tell me why?" he asked, this time his eyes couldn't leave Sapphire's body. "Because I may have said something inappropriate then Niall heard and starting laughing way too hard." she said, staring back at him. "That about sums it up" I added. "Hmmm....Sapphire? Saying something inappropriate? What is up with this world?" he asked sending a wink her way. She replied by giggling. Oh that precious giggle. "Am I even here anymore?" I asked refering to him drooling all over her and her flirting back. "Awww....Of course you're here." "Well then lets go." I said pulling her arm towards the office. She turned around giving Harry a wink before we continued walking. "Wow, i've never seen someone so ecstatic about going to the principal's office before." She said. "I take it you get in trouble alot?" I asked with a smirk as we sat down on the chairs outside the office. "Oh you have no idea" she said smiling at me making my heart melt even more from when our hands were together a few seconds ago.

Sapphire's P.O.V

As I sat outside the principal's office with Niall, so many thoughts ran through my head. Why did I feel like that a few seconds ago? Why did I like the feeling of Niall's and my hands interwined like that? Why?.....I know i'm not falling for him. I can't be. Never.

If there's one thing I know it's never try to get out of the friend zone once you're there. Harry and I weren't neccesarily really close.....or atleast as close as Niall and I so I guess Harry and I were meant to be. Kinda.

*Skip talking to the principal*

This is just fantastic . NowI have detention with Niall after school, which means we're gonna be late to Harry's party. The party starts at six and detention ends at five. This is so awsome. (sarcasm). Now, not only am i going to be extra late due to excesive preparation, but i'm now going to be stuck in a room with a bunch of creepy wierdos and stupid jocks. Oh well. At least Niall's there too. We still have a whole other period of Spanish before detention. I wonder how Niall feels about all of this?

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